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Home » Messageboard » Crap Superheroes » Message 834096 (Thread)

[challenge entry] crap superhero #1

my other half reckons he's seen this before... sorry if so... my first hand drawn anim... hence fairly poorly executed... style definitely nabbed from someone on the board but don't know who to credit... soz...
others... #1, #2, #3, #4 , #5, #6, #7, #8

From the Crap Superheroes challenge. See all 601 entries (closed)

(, Sat 22 Feb 2003, 14:45, archived)
# I've not seen it before
if it has, that's lovely.
(, Sat 22 Feb 2003, 14:50, archived)
# That's good
especially the way he rotates on coming in to land - that's dedicated animation!

Not sure if I've seen the gag before, but that probably means not - and it's worthy of a wooyay no matter what!
(, Sat 22 Feb 2003, 14:53, archived)
# haha
these are all ace
(, Sat 22 Feb 2003, 14:57, archived)
# Love it
(, Sat 22 Feb 2003, 15:05, archived)
# wow..
I think "your other half" is thinking of the anim from........erm.....is is Crackhouse Creche, or something? (someone help me out here) where the kid jumps out the window.
It is just the building looks similar :-)

Ohh..cooool, btw
(, Sat 22 Feb 2003, 17:56, archived)
# That made me larf out loud!
Have a woo yay!

Class :D
(, Sun 23 Feb 2003, 0:10, archived)