Profile for eclectech:
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- a member for 22 years, 2 months and 21 days
- has posted 19032 messages on the main board
- (of which 246 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 187 messages on the talk board
- has posted 80 messages on the links board
- (including 39 links)
- has posted 7 stories and 0 replies on question of the week
- They liked 241 pictures, 8 links, 0 talk posts, and 13 qotw answers.
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My stuff... website | mastodon | bluesky | twitter (dormant)
Recent front page messages:
So many better words from the same letters
They're just not trying

Apologies. Got it out my system now.
(Wed 8th Mar 2023, 18:29, More)
They're just not trying

Apologies. Got it out my system now.
(Wed 8th Mar 2023, 18:29, More)
Grant Shapps posted a photo with Boris Johnson edited out
I've added an astronaut penguin on a space hopper in his place.

(Tue 10th Jan 2023, 13:52, More)
I've added an astronaut penguin on a space hopper in his place.

(Tue 10th Jan 2023, 13:52, More)
Well I have full confidence in the new government top team.
Oh aye.

(Sat 15th Oct 2022, 18:18, More)
Oh aye.

(Sat 15th Oct 2022, 18:18, More)
Party time in the cabinet office

Presence of penguins unconfirmed, but they were more fun to add than corrupt politicians.
(Tue 25th Jan 2022, 0:00, More)

Presence of penguins unconfirmed, but they were more fun to add than corrupt politicians.
(Tue 25th Jan 2022, 0:00, More)
The secret to a happy robot...
... is teaching them the right button to press.

my site... robot made from old tech at Bletchley Park
(Sun 13th Feb 2011, 0:16, More)
... is teaching them the right button to press.

(Sun 13th Feb 2011, 0:16, More)
The Leatherclad Girafflapper

my site | flash animations | image gallery | blog
(Fri 23rd May 2008, 17:07, More)

(Fri 23rd May 2008, 17:07, More)
Run away! It's the penguins of punk!

my site | flash animations | image gallery | blog
(Mon 12th Nov 2007, 21:57, More)

(Mon 12th Nov 2007, 21:57, More)
I'd pay good money to see the full version

my site | flash animations | image gallery | blog
(Sat 14th Jul 2007, 16:55, More)

(Sat 14th Jul 2007, 16:55, More)
Sir Guinea of Pig hasn't quite got to grips with cigars
He keeps confusing them with carrots.

my site | flash animations | image gallery | blog
(Tue 22nd May 2007, 23:29, More)
He keeps confusing them with carrots.

(Tue 22nd May 2007, 23:29, More)
Today's the day...

my site | flash animations | image gallery | blog
(Sun 28th Jan 2007, 15:42, More)

(Sun 28th Jan 2007, 15:42, More)
it's hard to draw a picture
when the picture doesn't want to be drawn

my site | flash animations | image gallery | blog
(Tue 21st Nov 2006, 14:43, More)
when the picture doesn't want to be drawn

(Tue 21st Nov 2006, 14:43, More)
Rover isn't sure about the new family pet

my site | flash animations | image gallery
(Fri 4th Aug 2006, 21:26, More)

(Fri 4th Aug 2006, 21:26, More)
Run little easter penguin!
Save the eggs!

my site | flash animations | image gallery
(Thu 13th Apr 2006, 22:35, More)
Save the eggs!

(Thu 13th Apr 2006, 22:35, More)
it's the easter penguin!

my site | flash animations | image gallery
(Thu 13th Apr 2006, 21:52, More)


(Thu 13th Apr 2006, 21:52, More)
Run! Escape from the tippex of DOOOOM!

my site | flash animations | image gallery
(Sat 1st Apr 2006, 2:10, More)

(Sat 1st Apr 2006, 2:10, More)
i expect they'll get bored eventually

my site | flash animations | gallery | festive messenger
also not the cliff richard christmas single (1.1mb Flash)
(Tue 20th Dec 2005, 3:19, More)

also not the cliff richard christmas single (1.1mb Flash)
(Tue 20th Dec 2005, 3:19, More)

good grief, i'm so sorry, i have no excuse for this
my site | flash animations | gallery
(Wed 14th Dec 2005, 17:48, More)

good grief, i'm so sorry, i have no excuse for this

(Wed 14th Dec 2005, 17:48, More)
i was thinking about pirates
as so many have a hook and an eyepatch i figure there must be a lot of one-eyed pirate hands about

/late night eclectech logic
my site | flash animations | gallery | t-shirts
(Sun 9th Oct 2005, 1:29, More)
as so many have a hook and an eyepatch i figure there must be a lot of one-eyed pirate hands about

/late night eclectech logic

(Sun 9th Oct 2005, 1:29, More)
if you want a picture of the future
imagine a penguin stamping on a monkey - forever

well, he shouldn't have stolen their fish
my site | gallery | t-shirts | charles clarke flash
(Sat 2nd Jul 2005, 15:19, More)
imagine a penguin stamping on a monkey - forever

well, he shouldn't have stolen their fish

(Sat 2nd Jul 2005, 15:19, More)
lock up your fish!

my site | tribute to charles clarke | jesus juice
(Tue 21st Jun 2005, 23:55, More)

(Tue 21st Jun 2005, 23:55, More)
make mine a 99

just playing with some video i took at the zoo :)
my site | gallery | t-shirts | more zoo photos
(Fri 25th Mar 2005, 19:02, More)

just playing with some video i took at the zoo :)

(Fri 25th Mar 2005, 19:02, More)

my site | gallery | t-shirts | dandelion wallpaper
RECENT ANIMS: veritas party | kilroy, tangerine man
(Thu 17th Feb 2005, 23:06, More)

RECENT ANIMS: veritas party | kilroy, tangerine man
(Thu 17th Feb 2005, 23:06, More)
you have to be royal to ride them

my site | gallery | t-shirts | horseswan wallpaper
(Fri 12th Nov 2004, 22:29, More)

(Fri 12th Nov 2004, 22:29, More)
wing commander feather reporting for duty sir!

i've been revamping some pics to do bigger versions...
wallpaper: 1024 x 768... 1280 x 1024
my site | my t-shirts (including the above)
(Sun 7th Nov 2004, 22:48, More)

i've been revamping some pics to do bigger versions...
wallpaper: 1024 x 768... 1280 x 1024

(Sun 7th Nov 2004, 22:48, More)
no-one clears plink off the dance floor...

this one's for flowerpot :) more plink dancing... charleston... ballet... jig... mexican hat... sand dance...
my site | my t-shirts
(Fri 5th Nov 2004, 19:27, More)

this one's for flowerpot :) more plink dancing... charleston... ballet... jig... mexican hat... sand dance...

(Fri 5th Nov 2004, 19:27, More)
gerald had problems with his tenants...
always making such a racket...

(Mon 21st Jun 2004, 23:14, More)
always making such a racket...

(Mon 21st Jun 2004, 23:14, More)
kitty was trying hard to fit into her new city life...
and had finally realised she needed more than just shoes...

(Thu 10th Jun 2004, 23:57, More)
and had finally realised she needed more than just shoes...

(Thu 10th Jun 2004, 23:57, More)
the reason twitchers are twitchy...
a practical demonstration...

afternoon all... i really am too busy to be doing silly things like this... oops...
(Wed 9th Jun 2004, 16:36, More)
a practical demonstration...

afternoon all... i really am too busy to be doing silly things like this... oops...
(Wed 9th Jun 2004, 16:36, More)
evening all...

source penguin from our b3tan trip to the safari last weekend... :)
(Tue 25th May 2004, 19:29, More)

source penguin from our b3tan trip to the safari last weekend... :)
(Tue 25th May 2004, 19:29, More)
spiders can be fluffy too...

last one for tonight i think... should be in bed by now...
::my site :: spidy's id card ::
(Sun 9th May 2004, 3:31, More)

last one for tonight i think... should be in bed by now...
::my site :: spidy's id card ::
(Sun 9th May 2004, 3:31, More)
stop this cruel sport now!
won't somebody please think of the balls!

hello all :)
(Thu 11th Mar 2004, 0:29, More)
won't somebody please think of the balls!

hello all :)
(Thu 11th Mar 2004, 0:29, More)
mavis has been doing her spring cleaning...

out on the town with mavis...
(Fri 27th Feb 2004, 18:39, More)

out on the town with mavis...
(Fri 27th Feb 2004, 18:39, More)
you want me to wear what?!
to be honest love, i'm not sure that i am hung like a stallion...

(Sun 1st Feb 2004, 17:30, More)
to be honest love, i'm not sure that i am hung like a stallion...

(Sun 1st Feb 2004, 17:30, More)
i'm trying to make my christmas cards...
and as i've finished one pic i thought i'd share and use it as an excuse for a break... :)

(Tue 9th Dec 2003, 22:55, More)
and as i've finished one pic i thought i'd share and use it as an excuse for a break... :)

(Tue 9th Dec 2003, 22:55, More)
i saw a great rock band this evening...
then i made them into soup...

hello all... :)
(Thu 30th Oct 2003, 0:18, More)
then i made them into soup...

hello all... :)
(Thu 30th Oct 2003, 0:18, More)
i went to the zoo yesterday...
some animals are very difficult to spot...

hello all :)
(Sun 12th Oct 2003, 15:54, More)
some animals are very difficult to spot...

hello all :)
(Sun 12th Oct 2003, 15:54, More)
no reason...
but it's generally better to get these things out of my head...

for me at least... :)
(Tue 7th Oct 2003, 0:29, More)
but it's generally better to get these things out of my head...

for me at least... :)
(Tue 7th Oct 2003, 0:29, More)
all inclusive holidays...
do tend to encourage overindulgence...

evening all...
(Mon 25th Aug 2003, 22:39, More)
do tend to encourage overindulgence...

evening all...
(Mon 25th Aug 2003, 22:39, More)
tiddles wanted to be a pirate...
but found it hard to resist his natural instincts...

hello all...
(Mon 25th Aug 2003, 2:27, More)
but found it hard to resist his natural instincts...

hello all...
(Mon 25th Aug 2003, 2:27, More)
bastard ducks...

evening all... apologies for above... i'm working far too hard at the moment and it's sapping my creativity... 100% of fact :)
(Thu 17th Jul 2003, 21:28, More)

evening all... apologies for above... i'm working far too hard at the moment and it's sapping my creativity... 100% of fact :)
(Thu 17th Jul 2003, 21:28, More)
his name is gus...

i've just spent about 2 hours thinking i'd lost my camera and tearing the house apart... then i found it in the first place i'd looked... argh and huzzah... :-)
(Thu 26th Jun 2003, 0:58, More)

i've just spent about 2 hours thinking i'd lost my camera and tearing the house apart... then i found it in the first place i'd looked... argh and huzzah... :-)
(Thu 26th Jun 2003, 0:58, More)
he's hungry...

other safari inspired posts... escaped rhino... hot lion action... elephant eating peanut... jiggling chimps and b3tans...
that's me off to bed... night all...
(Wed 25th Jun 2003, 1:22, More)

other safari inspired posts... escaped rhino... hot lion action... elephant eating peanut... jiggling chimps and b3tans...
that's me off to bed... night all...
(Wed 25th Jun 2003, 1:22, More)
mona beaker...

popped into my head... had to do it... now off to bed... night all...
(Fri 20th Jun 2003, 1:19, More)

popped into my head... had to do it... now off to bed... night all...
(Fri 20th Jun 2003, 1:19, More)
the nibblehog has been hunted to near extinction...

the seventies were particular harsh for them...
(Wed 4th Jun 2003, 22:50, More)

the seventies were particular harsh for them...
(Wed 4th Jun 2003, 22:50, More)
i went to the theatre last night...
i expected a melodrama...

but there was a typo on the poster...
(Sun 18th May 2003, 15:41, More)
i expected a melodrama...

but there was a typo on the poster...
(Sun 18th May 2003, 15:41, More)
this evening i have been mostly drinking elephants under the table...

(Sat 10th May 2003, 22:46, More)

(Sat 10th May 2003, 22:46, More)
tom was fed up being teased for being ginger...

i know i said i wouldn't use the zip again... apparently i lied... :)
(Sun 13th Apr 2003, 14:13, More)

i know i said i wouldn't use the zip again... apparently i lied... :)
(Sun 13th Apr 2003, 14:13, More)
cheeky monkey...

and i think that's all for now... monkey'd out... :-)
(Tue 8th Apr 2003, 22:05, More)

and i think that's all for now... monkey'd out... :-)
(Tue 8th Apr 2003, 22:05, More)
the pirates had many enemies...
but the most irritating were the woodworm...

evening all and sorry... that was quite poor... i need a new muse... anyone want to volunteer? :-)
(Mon 7th Apr 2003, 19:48, More)
but the most irritating were the woodworm...

evening all and sorry... that was quite poor... i need a new muse... anyone want to volunteer? :-)
(Mon 7th Apr 2003, 19:48, More)
the truth about flowers... #1

this started out as something totally different but never mind...
(Wed 26th Mar 2003, 1:07, More)

this started out as something totally different but never mind...
(Wed 26th Mar 2003, 1:07, More)
raining cats and dogs...

and monkeys... and guinea pigs.. and mice... and squirrels...
(Wed 5th Mar 2003, 23:57, More)

and monkeys... and guinea pigs.. and mice... and squirrels...
(Wed 5th Mar 2003, 23:57, More)
i, robot...

aargghhh... couldn't get this any smaller without ruining it (?!)... shout at me if i should make it a link (135kb)
(Sat 1st Mar 2003, 17:39, More)

aargghhh... couldn't get this any smaller without ruining it (?!)... shout at me if i should make it a link (135kb)
(Sat 1st Mar 2003, 17:39, More)
crap superhero #1

my other half reckons he's seen this before... sorry if so... my first hand drawn anim... hence fairly poorly executed... style definitely nabbed from someone on the board but don't know who to credit... soz...
others... #1, #2, #3, #4 , #5, #6, #7, #8
(Sat 22nd Feb 2003, 14:45, More)

my other half reckons he's seen this before... sorry if so... my first hand drawn anim... hence fairly poorly executed... style definitely nabbed from someone on the board but don't know who to credit... soz...
others... #1, #2, #3, #4 , #5, #6, #7, #8
(Sat 22nd Feb 2003, 14:45, More)
Best answers to questions:
» The Meaning Of Giff
The number of "Likes" on a Facebook post about your baby.
"She looks really cute in this one, got a totscore of 327"
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 18:16, More)
The number of "Likes" on a Facebook post about your baby.
"She looks really cute in this one, got a totscore of 327"
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 18:16, More)
» Worst Record Ever
'stand by your man' by tammy wynette
years ago i did some research involving lots of people listening to four songs, one of which was 'stand by your man'... i ran the experiments and spent weeks listening to it over and over again...
as well as being an irritatingly insipid country tune the lyrics are appalling, anti-feminist, sappy nonsense...
it was horrible...
what makes it worse is that all the words seeped into my brain and i still have problems avoiding singing along if it's played in my presence...
this is a very very bad thing...
(Wed 3rd Dec 2003, 1:33, More)
'stand by your man' by tammy wynette
years ago i did some research involving lots of people listening to four songs, one of which was 'stand by your man'... i ran the experiments and spent weeks listening to it over and over again...
as well as being an irritatingly insipid country tune the lyrics are appalling, anti-feminist, sappy nonsense...
it was horrible...
what makes it worse is that all the words seeped into my brain and i still have problems avoiding singing along if it's played in my presence...
this is a very very bad thing...
(Wed 3rd Dec 2003, 1:33, More)
» The Meaning Of Giff
Tapping on a Twitter user to get some context for a comment, then getting distracted by their timeline and aimlessly following unrelated links.
"Sorry, I went to check if this person was genuinely qualified to comment on that legal case, but dallmallied and ending up reading about this weird breed of dog that has two noses".
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 17:43, More)
Tapping on a Twitter user to get some context for a comment, then getting distracted by their timeline and aimlessly following unrelated links.
"Sorry, I went to check if this person was genuinely qualified to comment on that legal case, but dallmallied and ending up reading about this weird breed of dog that has two noses".
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 17:43, More)
» The Meaning Of Giff
Unit of measure, number of people in a Twitter mob.
"I just said I thought [politician of your choice] was misguided in their approach to Brexit, and a plockton of idiots descended upon me"
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 23:02, More)
Unit of measure, number of people in a Twitter mob.
"I just said I thought [politician of your choice] was misguided in their approach to Brexit, and a plockton of idiots descended upon me"
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 23:02, More)
» The Meaning Of Giff
To click on a link and find something unpleasantly unexpected on the resulting web site.
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 18:01, More)
To click on a link and find something unpleasantly unexpected on the resulting web site.
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 18:01, More)