gone through with his plans for personal genital mutilation?
[edit]: Hehehe. Robot flower.
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Mon 3 Mar 2003, 19:29,
[edit]: Hehehe. Robot flower.

yes, i did it last night, but it was well squewiff and the hole was too small for the needle, i'll do it with the big needle once the bruisings gone down
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Mon 3 Mar 2003, 19:31,

you're gonna get lots of bruising if you use a fat needle, cos you just push the flesh to the sides, so you'll het a hard lump. use a cannula to take a core of flesh out, and you'll save a hell of a lot of bruising, swelling and so on.
also... be careful where you pierce round there. i know of a chap who nearly died of bloodloss and had to have half his winkle chopped off because of a trouser piercing gone wrong.
in fact.. just for those of you eating dinner... he sat on the tube on the way home filling a carrier bag with blood from his shorts. and it was his mum who called the hospital when she found him passed out on his bed in a big red puddle.
still. i'm getting my old chap done soon!
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Mon 3 Mar 2003, 19:37,
also... be careful where you pierce round there. i know of a chap who nearly died of bloodloss and had to have half his winkle chopped off because of a trouser piercing gone wrong.
in fact.. just for those of you eating dinner... he sat on the tube on the way home filling a carrier bag with blood from his shorts. and it was his mum who called the hospital when she found him passed out on his bed in a big red puddle.
still. i'm getting my old chap done soon!

would you like some? or shall i call the apostrophe police?
woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah
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Mon 3 Mar 2003, 19:39,
woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah woo wah

Posts starting "Your all..." are obviously ironic, like rain on your wedding day. And therefore exempt from the apostrophe police. DUR!
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Mon 3 Mar 2003, 19:42,

is rain on your wedding day ironic?
she doesn't mention one thing in that whole FUCKING song that is actually ironic.
bint. that is all.
i feel sure i stepped in an obvious trap there
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Mon 3 Mar 2003, 19:45,
she doesn't mention one thing in that whole FUCKING song that is actually ironic.
bint. that is all.
i feel sure i stepped in an obvious trap there

the very fact that she doesn't mention one ironic thing in a song about irony is, obviously, deeply deeply ironic.
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Mon 3 Mar 2003, 20:10,

but no way was the stud gonna fit, so it'll e the 2.6 next (aka, the fear)
and it's only the skin, not gonna do the meat
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Mon 3 Mar 2003, 19:41,
and it's only the skin, not gonna do the meat