night night!
before you go, i must ask: are those dog jamas 'shopped, or do such atrocities actually exist?
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Mon 6 Oct 2008, 0:37,
see below...(i shopped the feet and hat)...
...add one bedroom scene and presto!
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Mon 6 Oct 2008, 0:42,
sweet dancing grandma!
whoever designed those pyjamas is a prime candidate for euthanasia
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Mon 6 Oct 2008, 0:44,
is that the bunker?
not seen that room before, although to be fair i do tend to stay near the kettle and teapot so as to ensure i'm topped up
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Mon 6 Oct 2008, 0:40,
a wise move
so is secretly stashing the chocolate hobnobs until your next bunker visit.
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Mon 6 Oct 2008, 0:41,
I have never seen the like of it.
There's something confusing and intriguing about it which I like.
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Mon 6 Oct 2008, 0:45,
My good friend Len has recently started delivering pizza for extra cash during hard times.
I volunteered to be his co-pilot for a while; I am Lord Satnav, Master of the Glovebox and Taker of Pizza to The Front Door.
I have learned the following facts about human nature :
Very drunk people give huge tips.
Very stoned people put big piles of coins in your hand make you do the work.
People in big posh houses don't tip.
Very fat people make very large orders.
Poor people smell bad.
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Mon 6 Oct 2008, 2:59,
I have learned the following facts about human nature :
Very drunk people give huge tips.
Very stoned people put big piles of coins in your hand make you do the work.
People in big posh houses don't tip.
Very fat people make very large orders.
Poor people smell bad.