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womp rats are vermin just like splange foxes
and trill squirrels!
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 13:57,
then control their numbers in a humane way
don't take pot shots at them from a sky hopper like some fucking intergalactic redneck
Prof UnderCover evitable,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:00,
I say we take off and nuke the entire lot of 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:01,
well yes but
that would be problematic for the rest of life on the planet... why not just lay some traps of some kind.
Prof UnderCover evitable,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:03,
Laser traps?
big exploding laser traps with guns and gnus and gnus with guns?
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:05,
I was thinkning more along the lines of
some sort of baited cage... we have to consider the Profogg population and the impact a Womp Rat cull could have on their numbers!
Prof UnderCover evitable,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:07,
Oh ok then
but can I least tickle a womp rat with feather duster?
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:13,
*narrows eyes*
Prof UnderCover evitable,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:14,
Near the swamp, of course.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:16,
okay then...
but you'd best do it at night and disguised as a tin of biscuits... the Empire will never suspect that
Prof UnderCover evitable,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:23,
\o/ *dons biscuit tin disguise*
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:26,
Don't care about the competition subject..
This exchange should win every current open compo!
Pixieelf got his 1st front pg. when MJ died! Double Whammy!,
Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:00,
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