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# Raaaar
Feel the Power of Griffy

'Ning Scrot - Ning Board!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:39, archived)
# Ning Freebs.
It's all a little bit silly here today.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:40, archived)
ow - that hurt

ningles BBB

huggles Scrot!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:40, archived)

(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:45, archived)
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:48, archived)
# 'ey ooop lad
'appen yon dyke'll bust an' wu'll all 'ave t' move t' town t' top o' yon fell!

/regional news
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:48, archived)
# google translate took a while but finally came back with...
a picture of a cow
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:51, archived)
# I think I can manage it in Suvnah - one moment please, installing dialect
Cor blimey Guvnah, it's fick as an elephant's spunk up out there an nah mistake bubble bubble bubble apples and pears Desmond Tutu uses Ubuntu Sahf of the rivvah?

also - nongles Griffy
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:54, archived)
# yes it is a nice hat isn't it
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:55, archived)
# smashing
and made all the more sensual by where you wear it
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:57, archived)
# I' bet you'll never guess how it stays there
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:59, archived)
# well - the area
must be somehow engorged or the hat is stapled
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:00, archived)
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:01, archived)
# :D
someone gets a thrill out of being stapled!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:05, archived)
# I've run out of bulldog clips
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:22, archived)
# well be jesus
sure tis only a bit of oul rock, will ye engles ever get a fucking job!our local news is all about the ira. thats fucking news! jesus.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:51, archived)
# I was listening to Oirsih radio last night on the interweb
I love listening to local Irish Radio...

"TOM! yer mah says 'stop climbing on the barn and come inside...' There'll be more of that, right after this from Thin Lizzy..."
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 9:59, archived)
were not that colloquial.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:26, archived)
# lollopops
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:26, archived)
# troo
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:44, archived)
# Ning Freebz
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 10:29, archived)