Alright, guv'nor!
How's the sunny world with you?
MS Paint doesn't work on a Mac...
Edit: And I *am* drunk. I've been out on the piss with Joe Scaramanga, A Vagabond, Chunderbunny and Si O Doom!and Mrs S, as well.
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:28,
MS Paint doesn't work on a Mac...
Edit: And I *am* drunk. I've been out on the piss with Joe Scaramanga, A Vagabond, Chunderbunny and Si O Doom!and Mrs S, as well.
OR NEAREST EQUIVALENT oh hang on a sec we've had this conversation before...
I'm OK, ta. Just narrowly survived a fresh wave of redundancies and hired a mobile home for a week in September so I can neck a load of LSD and explore lots of abandoned WWII listening posts along the south coast...
Which, I failed to realise before I committed myself to the plan, is probably gonna turn out more expensive than a fortnight in sodding Barbados. Especially cos there's a £1000 deposit and I fully intend to smoke fags inside the vehicle.
*EDIT* Oh, and snarl 'hello' to Joe S and Chunder B for me. (Do I know a Mrs S? Have I ever drunkenly tried to chat her up right in front of Mr S?)
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:36,
Which, I failed to realise before I committed myself to the plan, is probably gonna turn out more expensive than a fortnight in sodding Barbados. Especially cos there's a £1000 deposit and I fully intend to smoke fags inside the vehicle.
*EDIT* Oh, and snarl 'hello' to Joe S and Chunder B for me. (Do I know a Mrs S? Have I ever drunkenly tried to chat her up right in front of Mr S?)
A thousand quid deposit???
For a fucking caravan?
Is it made of diamonds or something....?
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:39,
Is it made of diamonds or something....?
well, he is going to get off his tits and burn it down
so probably, yeah :)
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:41,
The best bit is, the REAL druges fiend is the one who's doing the driving.
I'm more of a bloody-mindedly determined drinker these days, relatively druges-free apart from the SSRIs, and have no driving licence.
It'll be a hugely fun week - just probably a lot more expensive than a domestic holiday should be. Oh well.
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:46,
It'll be a hugely fun week - just probably a lot more expensive than a domestic holiday should be. Oh well.
It makes me a tad nervous, cos I've been swindled out of every substantial deposit I've ever put down on anything...
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:41,
Don't say that, I've just done that with the new flat in
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:45,
So they've finally managed to palm off one of those ludicrous 'luxury' city centre flats on some poor sap? They must be laughing even harder than I am.
Jesus, Grunty. And you seemed such a bright feller.
Still, it'll be pretty cool having a whole building to yourself. Like Sebastian in Blade Runner. Except with interior doors with all the comforting domestic charm as those in GPs' surgeries.
Having said that - I'm delighted you're coming here. This is excellent news.
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:53,
Jesus, Grunty. And you seemed such a bright feller.
Still, it'll be pretty cool having a whole building to yourself. Like Sebastian in Blade Runner. Except with interior doors with all the comforting domestic charm as those in GPs' surgeries.
Having said that - I'm delighted you're coming here. This is excellent news.
I just realised, you'll need a whole building to accommodate the reactors that power your image-rendering engines.
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 0:03,
I just realised, you'll need a whole building to accommodate the reactors that power your image-rendering engines.
*invite re-instated*
It's actually a lovely place, and you're more than welcome, as well you know.
Don't take the piss, I'm shit-scared I'm making a catastrophic mistake.
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 0:08,
Don't take the piss, I'm shit-scared I'm making a catastrophic mistake.
Well, you've got at least half a dozen friends around you to begin with. That's a good start when moving to a new town.
You KNOW I'm a bloody wind-up merchant. Ignore me! (Just don't bloody ignore me)
You'll like it here. You will. A helluva lot of top Brum University graduates decide to stay.
See it from the inside.
And don't worry, y'silly sausage.
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Fri 7 Aug 2009, 0:16,
You'll like it here. You will. A helluva lot of top Brum University graduates decide to stay.
See it from the inside.
And don't worry, y'silly sausage.
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:50,
What is this MacPaint of which you speak?
I recall having it on my Classic in 1991, but now...?
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Thu 6 Aug 2009, 23:52,