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# Buy carpet
you can nail the fucker down
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:38, archived)
# I have only once tried to lay a carpet
It was a fucking disaster.

Well, we got the bastard in place, but it took us about six times longer than it should have done because we had to stop every five minutes to fall about in hysterics about how shit we were at carpet laying.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:39, archived)
# That was extraneous information
that nobody needed to know
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:40, archived)
# This is precisely why I want a pro to tile my kitchen
Me let loose with grout is not a good idea
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:43, archived)
# Warning
Ladies of the night are not necessarily good at tiling.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:49, archived)
# Pfft!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:55, archived)