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# You
have prolly been here long enough to actually remember when it was all fields, and thereby have the right to complain.
I just wish I wasn't such a johnny-come-lately bandwagon-jumper.
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:15, archived)
# I'm not really complaining as much as it appears to be
I'm just getting my jollies from the fact most compos seem to be hit and miss.

The problem with all compos is either they are too tough and out of the skill range of those who don't have access to and knowledge of all the latest apps or they are too easy and anybody can do a 10 second shop for the competition. Repetativeness is boring, that's why we all hate doing repetative tasks. This compo has all the hallmarks of being repetative as we have seen.

Now the space hopper suggestion was good and within the skill level of most b3tas who can draw, photograph, video, 'shop, or paintmash such delights. The compo is really to give us something to aim for - this isn't really a good challenge in that respects - so I'm aiming more for parody of the challenge than meeting it's objectives.

I've nothing against noobs - we all started out as noobs and we will always have fresh noobs coming into the fold - it's when people pick up the bad elements of trollism that noobs can be irritating and such.

(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:23, archived)
# It doesn't matter what Fraser chooses as the compo at the end of the day,
it's gonna piss some people off. I have nothing against the Space Hopper suggestion at all, but how is that different to making an image look more rude by omitting something? Yes, you may only technically have to shop a black box onto it or pixellate it, but you still need to find something amusing to do it with.
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:27, archived)
# That's the problem people are really not meeting this challenge full on
and we are seeing endless streams of photos with black squares on them without any thought being put into it. There has been to really great entries so far to this challenge - but what this challenge will do is push good postings off the board in less than a minute. As for the SpaceHopper it's more than just sticking a SpaceHopper onto a photo, that wouldn't be funny and mostly pointless - the entries for that rogue challenge have been more inspired than this challenge.
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:32, archived)
# But it's back to the people posting them, isn't it.
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:33, archived)
# gosh
At least you made a funny gif for your complain.
As I said, you've been here ages so have a right to complain (not that you were that much) it's more the people who haven't really been here that long whining about the good old days that pisses me off.
But thanks for taking the time to clarify :)
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:29, archived)
# back in the day...
b3ta challenges were real-world things, like 'chew the bark from a tree', or 'hit your friend over the head with a rock, and post a picture of the result'
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:32, archived)
# Damn fine suggestions they were too :D
I still miss Kittens and Vikins!
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:34, archived)
# Fuck sake Maiden!
Vikings and Kittens are so 2003!
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:35, archived)
# I know I'm so like last half decade!
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:39, archived)
# i think b3ta should be broken down like this
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:52, archived)
# Can I Haz Cheezeburger - haha
That pretty much sums it up - although to some degree if the Compo was on it's own channel /board would become almost redundant *shrugs* so I'm not really complaining. Although the possibility of a /Photos and Art board would be nice.
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:57, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
But talking seriously for a moment, I actually do really like real world challenges, as they include everyone. Also, they make a nice change from the same old shopping malarkey.
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 0:35, archived)