Nice work!
What's the end product? are you making it more life like or less?
Also, where's the exhibition?
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Fri 27 Nov 2009, 17:54,
Also, where's the exhibition?
a wee bit more lifelike
when the image is blown up ( 30 x 40 inches ) the figures tend to look like a melted peter griffin so i get my gorgeous retoucher to do a bit of cosmetic surgery, and a general clean up of obvious glitches
Edit thompsons gallery, marylebone , london , donchaknow
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Fri 27 Nov 2009, 17:57,
Edit thompsons gallery, marylebone , london , donchaknow
You're not the guy that done the "Little people in the city" book are you?
I just realised I might have heard about it from here.
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Fri 27 Nov 2009, 17:59,
taht's some chick
not that i'm jealous of all her success or owt!
this is my stuff
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Fri 27 Nov 2009, 18:01,
not that i'm jealous of all her success or owt!
this is my stuff
fugging hell
That is some ace work! The lighting is brilliant, it looks so "out-side'y"
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Fri 27 Nov 2009, 18:06,
that's due to three years in film school
and magic stuff n'shit
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Fri 27 Nov 2009, 18:12,