Hello b3ta. Busy busy week. How are we, other than bitching about the compo?
(barryheadwoundMul-ti-pass? Multipass!,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 13:17,
Whato Barry!
(Whato_JeevesDid your surgery require a vaginal mesh patch?,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 13:19,
Whato Whato!
(barryheadwoundMul-ti-pass? Multipass!,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 13:22,
hey baz
you got it in a nutshell, sir
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 13:22,
By way of a complete non-sequitur...
Where on earth did the Hulk Hogan 'I found this I think it should win the compo' thing originate?
Also chuckling at unhappy hipsters, btw.
(barryheadwoundMul-ti-pass? Multipass!,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 13:25,
I have no idea
i think Mr Horrible did it one week, for a particularly shit compo, and he just whips it out every week now
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 13:31,
I thought some noob had posted a picture (not that one) with the subject "I found this, I think it should win the compo" and got flamed, ending in thread deletion
Horrible then took the piss by posting the Hulk Hogan image in the 911 compo with that subject line