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[challenge entry] yes it's a pearoast

From the Save ITV challenge. See all 312 entries (closed)

(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:39, archived)
# Save ITV by comparing it to the BBC
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:42, archived)
# please select your preferred flaming options
- shithammers
- cunting in the fuck
- general scorn and refereals to the faq
- the entire future of mankind imperilled to an incurable skin fungus that causes sever itching
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:44, archived)
# - the ruining of everybody's life and/or Christmas.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:45, archived)
# I'd like cunting in the fuck please
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:46, archived)
# "Like taking a running fuck at a rolling doughnought"
Was a phrase I read today.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:51, archived)
# a doughnought eh?
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:57, archived)
# it's low calorie junk food
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 11:00, archived)
# like polystyrene cups?
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 11:09, archived)
# Hee Hee Hee
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:46, archived)
# I like it, but to be completely accurate, it should be:
'oo tha fack ar ya'
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 10:57, archived)