(mr horribleup yours, dickface,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 14:31,
So it was too much to ask that the letters match the herb containers? I didn't realise this compo was to just shop letters onto someone else's picture. just realised I replied to the wrong person big sorry mr horrible
(wuffle, the b3ta bunny's flea collar isn't working on,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 14:35,
sorry, I didn't use my sarcasm tags
(mr horribleup yours, dickface,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 14:38,
I am wearing
my sarcasm trousers today
(Wasp Boxlike a nervous random stranger at a glory hole,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 14:39,
Good thing, really.
really.There's a lot of strangeness here today for some reason :(
(wuffle, the b3ta bunny's flea collar isn't working on,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 14:41,
I'm wearing the hat of impending doom
(mr horribleup yours, dickface,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 14:45,
And mighty fine it looks on you, young fellow-me-lad.
I didn't mean to reply to you about this then when I realised I didn't want to compound my mistake by deleting. I think the strange activity here today is catching :( sorry
(wuffle, the b3ta bunny's flea collar isn't working on,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 14:40,
lots of half term spackers about today
(mr horribleup yours, dickface,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 14:45,
Ah, so that's it then.
so that's it then.I lose track of school terms not living near a school or school-age kids anymore.
(wuffle, the b3ta bunny's flea collar isn't working on,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 14:49,
Restraining order?
(Wasp Boxlike a nervous random stranger at a glory hole,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 15:00,
Proof indeed
that they are effective. No rather that I don't live near a school and kids are all growed up now.
(wuffle, the b3ta bunny's flea collar isn't working on,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 15:06,
living being allowed
(Je suis un vagabondis an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 15:10,
:D I used to be a teacher I'll have you know. Until Thatch decided she didn't like newly trained teachers and cut the number of school placements :( So yes I guess technically you might be right.
(wuffle, the b3ta bunny's flea collar isn't working on,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 15:13,
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