A mate of mine once ruined the plot to all those movies when he wondered why the robots simply didn't use cows
Jahled Three shades of black,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:20,
i ruined the plot by realising
that humans would be completely useless as a power source
as we need more energy to live than we produce
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:22,
The laws of thermodynamics don't seem to apply in the "real world"
Blythy Pop Quiz Hotshot...,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:23,
We get less energy from batteries than we put into them.
As storage and convertion of energy into useable heat I'm sure we could be quite useful.
Mu Dinofiddler,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:26,
where does the food come from?
there is no sunlight
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:29,
the dead are fed intravenously to the living, according to Morpheus.
Two problems with that:
1. That's not gonna work indefinitely.
2. Wouldn't you get some mad-cow-disease-type thing going on?
MrChimp previously Monsieur,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 23:25,
Ah, well... you see...
Mu Dinofiddler,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:22,
I think that was my initial reaction as well
Jahled Three shades of black,
Wed 17 Feb 2010, 22:23,
or for that matter
if you are going to take the people route, why not just set the matrix to about 1530 or something? allowing your computer controlled slave race to learn about computing seems like a bit of an error.
ms morbo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Thu 18 Feb 2010, 11:28,