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# Brits abroad - we're awesome!
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:15, archived)
# I normally wouldn't dream of slagging off our troops,.
But oh my! What a cunt!
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:17, archived)
# i think harry had a bad influence on them
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:20, archived)
# Whoa there mama!
I'm not tarring all soldiers with the same brush, and certainly not slagging off the troops per se. I certainly couldn't do their job. The dude with this on clearly needs to engage his brain though.

Or at least the subby who let this get into the magazine needs to check the pics more thoroughly.
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:25, archived)
# Oh, I wasn't saying you were old chap What What :D
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:26, archived)
# Jolly good
Pip pip!
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:34, archived)
It's interesting how any criticism of a British soldier has to be prefaced with an explanation of how you respect what they do. They're people who signed up to be paid for either killing people or using the threat of such to get what they want. Usually for the sake of some big business interest. Not trying to be all serious like, but what planet do people assume that someone whose job is killing would "engage their brain" before making a racist comment. Dehumanizing your enemy is one of the first steps toward putting a bullet in them, not some later stage that only the evil and ignorant reach.

Woah - I got heavy. Sorry. Just the brainless hypocrisy of the media winds me up sometimes. So the BBC is all up in arms about a soldier being racist. Same soldier shoots someone dead, it wont be a mention. Sense of perspective is FUCKED in this country.
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 18:01, archived)
# Indeed. What kind of cunt can't spell Morels properly?
Good to see he likes his mushrooms though.
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:32, archived)
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(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:20, archived)
# We rev up these kids with guns, teach them how to kill, how the enemy is evil, point them at a country identified by their superiors as their base
and then get annoyed when one of them writes an inflamatory slogan on their outfit.

Shooting people in pakistan under orders is fine but generalising and abbreviating is bad?

Surely Pakis is the same shorthanded naming of people of a country that Brits is, that you headed your post with? Maybe he just couldn't fit "Get some taliban members currently situated in Pakistan" on to the knee pad.
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:43, archived)
# Simples
'Paki' is used as an insult
'Brit' isn't
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:47, archived)
# depends who you're talking to
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 15:51, archived)
# PMFJI but...
As a Brit, I can use the word Brit, in the same way Chris Rock could 'drop the N-bomb'. I would however never refer to a Pakistani (or in this case an Afghani) as a Paki as it is always used as an insult.
Having lived in or around Whitechapel for the last 30 years, I have come to realise that there are so many peoples from the Indian subcontinent that you can no more make generalisations about 'Pakis' than you can about any other racial or ethnic group.
Once you start using pronouns for sweeping generalisations (THEY do this, WE do that, I can't stand THEM for the way they oppress women) then it is the first step on a slippery slope that ends at some gates with Arbeit Macht Frei above them...
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 16:02, archived)
# Bollocks.
I hang out with lots of middle-eastern and africans, I'm far more comfortable saying nigger and paki around them than I am other white people. They return the rascism in good humour. It's only a problem when people like you make a big issue out of it.
Censorship exacerbates.
(, Sun 7 Mar 2010, 17:00, archived)