Feel free to add your own.
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Sat 10 Apr 2010, 2:49,
Feel free to add your own.

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Sat 10 Apr 2010, 2:58,

I've never made it. I did try it in Turkey, but ur yuck no.
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Sat 10 Apr 2010, 3:22,
I've never made it. I did try it in Turkey, but ur yuck no.

Almonds, slivered almonds actually. Those are the kind cut into thin slices, just in case you're a fucking idiot.
Pre-heat a heavy pan over a medium-high flame then when it's good and hot throw on enough almonds to evenly cover the pan.
Keep turning and moving the almonds every 30 seconds or so. They should start to brown after around 3 minutes. Any sooner and the pan is too hot.
When they've started to turn golden brown on both sides, reduce the heat a little and drizzle over some naturally brewed tamari. Eden make a pretty good one. PLZ none of that Kikoman shit SRSLY. Get some real tamari.
RANT OVER. You want enough tamari to leave several drops on every sliver of almond. If in doubt add a little more. You don't want them swimming in it though ok.
Keep moving the almonds around with a spatula while the tamari dries out. This will happen pretty quickly.
As soon as the tamari has dried out, pour on some maple syrup. NOT SOME BREAKFAST SYRUP CRAP FFS USE THE REAL THING WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE
You just want enough syrup to lightly coat the nuts. Keep it moving in the pan and the syrup will start to go stringy. You'll see what I mean.
As soon as it goes stringy, toss it out onto a plate and let it cool. SRSLY DON'T eat it until it's cooled down a bit because it takes a while to crisp up.
Thank me at your leisure.