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» Nov 2009 «

Some of you may already know about this fantastic piece of cinema. For those that don't, it really isn't easy to explain the phenomenon that is "The Room" - so bare with me...
This is your chance to see, in full cinematic delight, a film called "The Room" starring the legenday Tommy Wiseau.
Why is The Room so special I hear you ask...well...
The Room is widely considered to be âthe best worst movieâ of all time. It was first released in the US in 2003 after writer/director/producer/actor Tommy Wiseau independently raised an amazing $6 million budget for the film.
The dialogue is appaling. The direction is unspeakably bad. The actors are just...odd. There are characters that appear from nowhere. There are plot devices that are mentioned once, then never spoken of again. All this for 6 MILLION dollars!
After a brief run in Los Angeles the film disappeared before being resurrected by a small group of hardcore fans and went on to develop a cult following in the city through a handful of midnight screenings.
In the years since it has spread like wildfire across America and continues to have monthly midnight screenings throughout the country. Audiences dress up as the characters from the film, shout out the key lines and even stage mock walk outs. Oh, and they throw spoons. A lot of spoons.
It has now overtaken the Rocky Horror Picture Show to become the number one cult movie in the US.
You will never experience anything like this! The atmosphere in the theatre is electric from start to finish. We went to the last screening and it was fantastic.
Don't take my word for it, check out this clip! Or find a torrent of the film and watch it at home. You will be left gobsmacked!
There are loads more on YouTube - Just type "The Room" and "Tommy Wiseau."
Read more about it here:
Buy tickets here:
(You will have to buy tickets in advance - it will sell out, none will be available on the night.)
It will be great to see some other B3tans there. Even if you can't make it, I urge you to try and get a copy from somewhere!
Oh, and don't forget to invite your friends too!
Prince Charles Theatre, Off Leicester Square, London [map]
"The Room" - The worst movie ever made! Showing in London!
Going: NinjaBadger, baldmonkey, 13ffx (3 people).

none other than baldmonkey will be gracing your screening. he'll be the one in the toilets with the tight jeans, army jacket, syringes and wry smile.
( , Wed 18 Nov 2009, 0:20, Reply)
» Nov 2009 «