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» Aug 2010 «



If you've never heard of it then a) I'm not surprised and b) you probably won't like it

But if any fellow B3tans are going, let me know and I'll buy you a pint*

*not legally binding
(, Thu 29 Apr 2010, 14:11, Reply)
Well would you believe it - I'm only a few miles from Bradford city centre.

Can you hold this event in the Shoulder of Mutton, Kirkgate instead?

(, Fri 30 Apr 2010, 23:40, Reply)
If I'm there

I'll be taxiing the bands from airport to gig and back.
May be able to squeeze in a pint.

(, Wed 26 May 2010, 1:02, Reply)
I used to go to UoB

Not my best memories.

(, Tue 10 Aug 2010, 17:44, Reply)

» Aug 2010 «