"With your help we can get this video seen by the masses. By giving the video a Like/Fav & Sharing it around you will be ensuring more people see it, ultimately resulting in the majority of the world being able to swing just like Miley."
By not wasting that chicken (and all the other food he constantly wastes) someone could have had dinner.
Dawn Of The Bread $$$$ E-THUG 4 LIFE - THAT'S HOW I SCROLL $$$$, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 12:08,
it's terribly upsetting isn't it
oh, I just got over it
JeremyBeadlesHands, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 12:40,
Jahled Three shades of black, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 13:21,
disrespectful to the corpse of a chicken, I call it
Victoria'sBeard Different political view? I hate you!, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 13:12,
There should be a B3ta list of all the things that disgust you Bready ;)
BarryFromTheShitFarm Oh, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 14:34,
Your mum would be top of that list :-)
Dawn Of The Bread $$$$ E-THUG 4 LIFE - THAT'S HOW I SCROLL $$$$, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 14:41,
She'll love that
Especially from you. You're her favourite
BarryFromTheShitFarm Oh, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 15:23,
But she said I was her favourite? =(
Fadgebadger Sweaty sumo wanks for everyone!, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 15:51,
she may have said something to me
but her mouth was full at the time
Victoria'sBeard Different political view? I hate you!, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 16:12,