but it does amaze me how easily UKip supporters fuck up with their blunderbuss gobs, when they should know tactless remarks and comments about anything vaguely related to immigration will be turned on them remorselessly, given they are in an arena where it is virtually impossible to even have a discussion without people reacting hysterically and brandishing the racist card at the drop of a pin.
I'm wondering though whether such frenzied reporting by the likes of the Guardian will matter anymore; the entire immigration argument has been handled so badly by society in that it has been a huge taboo to even be discussed, let alone debated without an almost frenzied atmosphere fearful of racism, and the entire subject has just bubbled and simmered away for most ordinary people, many of whom have seen vast cultural changes in the areas they live with them feeling powerless and ignored in politics by people representing them. I think UKip, despite the odd moron among them, may have finally become larger than the race label constantly levelled against them, hence why I think they'll do very well, inevitably, at the elections.
( , Sun 27 Apr 2014, 11:34, Reply)

Balls. The whole "you can't have a discussion without being labelled a racist" is bollocks spouted by people upset on being called out on their racism. Waaah waaah waaah.
( , Sun 27 Apr 2014, 13:36, Reply)

Being concerned about the volume of people crossing the borders of a country and settling; immigration, and the effect it might be having on people already living in that country, is completely different from being prejudice about a bunch of people because collectively they are black, Muslim, Polish, whatever, and hence what I was droning on about.
The complete inability of the political establishment to explain to these people they are in all probability much better off economically as a modern industrialised society for having an influx of mostly skilled professional immigrants in virtually all areas of their lives is where Farage and his middle England brigade of pub bores have filled the vacuum. Once you've pointed out who gives a fucking shit if your BT engineer goes to Friday prayers, or your reliable plumer is from Warsaw, they might realise Farage is an opportunist, with some pretty dodgy aspirations for us in Europe, and prone to dwelling on issues, such as smoking bans in pubs and offices, which no politician should be wasting a breath even thinking about, let alone bringing up in conversation with naturally skeptical journalists. What troubles me is we do have a large number of people who genuinely feel like the political establishment have ignored concerns that really didn't need to be an issue because whenever they've piped up with them remarks like yours have suppressed them by making them feel like a racist cunt, and not by pointing out, 'what are you actually worried about; really?'
( , Sun 27 Apr 2014, 14:20, Reply)

But you're completely correct about ukip appealing to people who feel voiceless, and ukip's wobbly policy choices.
( , Sun 27 Apr 2014, 15:27, Reply)