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Hobnobs get very cross if you say anything mean about the custard creams because they have a hysterical fear that any criticism of the custard creams is motivated by the greatest evil of all which is racism they also love the custard creams cos they are not very keen on the bourbons and the rich tea think the bourbons are evil capitalists so their rationale is that their enemy's enemy is their friend so they are happy to overlook the fact that custard creams have a tendency to vile misogyny and evil homophobia cos the rich tea aren't really motivated by being nice and cuddly and loving like they pretend to be the truth is they are motivated by hatred which is why they are always on the look out for racism and are so successful at finding it even when there isn't any racism to be found but they cry out racist at any opportunity so that they can justify their hatred and the custard creams can be a teeny bit hateful what with their suicide bombings and the chopping off of heads and the rest of it so they have a lot in common. I hope this helps.
(, Tue 26 Aug 2014, 14:05, , Reply)
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Can the both of you learn to use a fucking paragraph or even the most basic elements of english punctuation as it's making things a little hard to read especially given this site is favoured by a lot of creative types and creative types are more prone to dyslexia making it doubly hard to read also what is going to really upset matters is well I really dont know now I thought I had a point when I started but it's drifting away like smoke and thats not good I mean you sometimes wonder if those memory lapses are anything to worry about like the other day I realised that I was getting fuzzy headed and it turned out that the statins I was taking could be to blame so now I have to take time off work and speak to the doctor who hopefully will prescribe me some statins that dont pass the blood brain barrier this is because your brain actually needs cholesterol to function properly and anything thats reducing brain cholesterol is bad news thats not to say cholesterol is good cholesterol can be really bad for your heart and am I the only one that remembers Total eclipse of the heart being on Top of the Pops with Watership down in the background as a video I cant be as it were on telly and everything but nobody else remembers that also speaking of 80s references if you ever want to win a bet with an old school techno head ask them which prodigy track Kenny Everette provided vocals for and they'll be stumped because its a little know fact that Kenny Everette provided the voice for popular TV safety advert cat Charlie you know the one that went oroooororoooowwoow. I cope with whelks.
(, Tue 26 Aug 2014, 14:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post applauds all three of you

(, Tue 26 Aug 2014, 15:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post They would be nothing without me, nothing I tells yer.

(, Tue 26 Aug 2014, 16:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post ---that was proust, right?--

(, Wed 27 Aug 2014, 2:51, , Reply)