I loved this bit! I have a thing about heads without necks anyway, always amuse me (like Dee-Lite video) so this was right up my street.
(moogy boobles, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 22:53,
You don't collect heads without necks do you?
(Firkinfeduplast shat on your wife's tits at, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 22:54,
is there a shortage
at this time of year?
(Firkinfeduplast shat on your wife's tits at, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 23:00,
I just can't
compete with the squirrels.
(moogy boobles, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 23:01,
Collect squirrels heads then :)
We could do with less of the tree rats.
(Firkinfeduplast shat on your wife's tits at, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 23:09,
I don't find lone squirrel heads as funny.
(moogy boobles, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 23:18,
Mighty Boosh is the dogs!
I've been watching clips of it all day working hard today!
(Firkinfeduplast shat on your wife's tits at, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 22:53,
Soup song...
is the bestest!
(Overlord BubblesSwim awaaaay Fugu fish! Swim awaaaaaaay!, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 23:02,
Every visit
to the soup aisle is accompanied by that forevermore. In fact they should have a laser beam activated system that actually plays it for you as you choose your broth.
(moogy boobles, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 23:20,
does anyone have a link
to the second episode silly matt decided to go out and get drunk and miss the boosh :(
(m-a-t-t -- formerly minihasn't been on here for EVER!, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 23:18,
great episode!
Eggs milk and flour, pancake power, Look at his milkier sunshine face. Flip it now, flip it good, ooh, Flip it now, flip it good, ooh, Some are salt, some are sweet, Some are fruit, some are meat, The time we used the chive, it really came alive! Edible frisbee, springtime Tuesday. I like to boogie
(executiverockeronly wears C&A, Sat 24 Nov 2007, 0:12,
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