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This is a normal post The thing that got me
was the fact that he cottoned on to the address being wrong rather too quickly... My guess is, that with a name and a post code, the letter should get delivered anyway, even the people at the post office would have picked up on that (especially as he lived in a close - so there almost certainly wouldn't be 170 houses on it...

I reckon he got the letter, but noticed the typo, and he's just one of those people who spends his spare time writing letters to the daily mail (as his blog subheading 'so much anger, so little time' would suggest). Not to mention he looks like a complete tool if that is him in the picture.

Fair enough - they may well have made a cock up, but I think he's exploiting their one small error and making it into something a lot bigger than it needed to be.

He's probably just very bitter about having a really small cock and a shit job with shit pay (but makes out like he's some fucking 'interweb guru' because he can use blogging software).

His quote "I'm also victim to some of the worst luck in the world, and I tend to Blog about all of it here. " would suggest to me that he's just one of this world's terminal whingers. I'm a fairly strong believer in making your own luck, and karma probably comes into it somewhere...
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:49, Reply)
This is a normal post when i read your post
the terms "blinkered" and "middle-class" spring to mind.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:25, Reply)
This is a normal post Why?
Is it not a fair assumption that someone who's blog headline is 'so much anger, so little time' is probably a whining litte shit?

As I said, I have no doubt that the CSA are shit and make a lot of errors, and seeing your other post below, i'm sorry for you, and make no excuses for them.

My only point is that he's one of those twats that loves to play at being one of life's 'victims'. There's probably an officially recognised syndrome out there.

I guess my only point was that most people just get on with it and expend their time and energy solving the problem at hand, rather than diligently updating a blog full of 'woe is me' stories.

If he'd been born 10 years later, I imagine he'd be one of those emo twats cutting himself and crying about how the world doesn't understand him and his pain.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:41, Reply)
This is a normal post Are you sick?
I'm talking about my children's house being reposessed due to a CSA cock up and all you can think of is the size of a man's penis?

You have problems, but then from someone who goes for Admin temp roles, what can I expect.

Do you think children having their house taken off them is somehow amusing? Does it raise a smile to your face?

I picked up on the address being wrong very quickly because I said in the call, it wasn't the first time it happened. I wrote the blog because after trying for 10 months to sort this mess out and only being called back once I'd had enough. Their excuse of not calling me because I record my phone calls only works from August onwards when I told them such, they have no excuse for January through to August.

If your only argument is that I look like a tool and I have a small cock I pity you. Luckily most intelligent people can grasp the real issue here; the CSA have spectacularly failed to do their job, again, and as such will cause my 3 children to lose their house.

But you keep thinking of men's dicks.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:56, Reply)