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This is a normal post Question.
I have never quite understood this 'come outside' thing. Is open air fighting better? While willing to smash another human face into a pulp, is it bad manners to knock a chair over doing so?
(, Sat 28 May 2016, 23:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah, I guess it's out of respect for the establishment
but seeing as it's their establishment you'd want to break their own chairs over them wouldn't you?
(, Sun 29 May 2016, 0:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post hey - i may be really angry, but i'm not that angry
jesus, what kind of a monster are you?
(, Sun 29 May 2016, 1:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think it derives from not wishing to be barred from the pub you start a fight in.
You're not likely to be barred for fighting adjacent to a pub, but, in most pubs at least, fighting inside is infra dig.
(, Sun 29 May 2016, 3:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post You calling my pint a puff?

(, Sun 29 May 2016, 7:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post Bit pointless in this case
as he would effectively be fighting the landlord, which is going to get you barred no matter where you do it. But I suppose instinct kicked in.
(, Sun 29 May 2016, 13:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post Outside means you can run away
when you challenge someone you really wouldnt want to be trapped in a room with.
Usually the piss weak ones want the challenge outside, to twat you as you come outside, not ready or their mates are outside, or access to planks, bars, bottles or other weapons.
(, Sun 29 May 2016, 13:30, , Reply)