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This is a normal post wheeling out academics wont work on most leavers
their whole campaign is based on anti-intellectualism and a deep mistrust of cosmopolitan elites.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 10:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^on the head^
And the Trump "reaction" as well
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Yet they want to vote for even more right wing elites and blame everything that is wrong with the world on 1. The E.U. 2. THE 300 TRILLION MUSSIES WITH BROWN FACES COMING TO TAKE MY BENEFITS. 3. THE LOONEY LEFTIES!!!!!
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 14:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post if we do vote to leave it will be an absolute truimph for the thickest elements of our society
- people with stockpiles of baked beans, people with all their cash under the bed, people who watch celebrity love island.
They will all be celebrating
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 14:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post im an in voter
but what exactly does it say for our society if that does happen (ignorant voting on misinformation or misguided reasons)... says things need to change... not on eu policy, but on social education and general populous intelligence/well-being. Voting in/out wont help there.
We are a society run on money. Simple. So only financial decisions matter.. the rest doesn't matter (to an uneducated voter makeup) and if they think the Polish, the Turks or any other nationality cannot come to England and work, then it may be that the job they held will be theirs. which is more complicated than it sounds, but actually I have family members that cannot work for their family as they are undercut (Significantly) due to "foreigners" quoting on jobs way under anything my family members can lower their quotes to..... maybe due to shared housing and the fact that most money is shipped abroad (no spouses or children for these chaps in the UK), yet i still vote IN cos its the right thing to do. I cannot blame them for voting out and nothing i say can change it... both labour and conserv have fucked us due to un-policied immigration which they are trying to resolve frantically before people vote out (deals with EU)... its too little too late from our gov. so yes.. im voting in, but 3/4 of my family are out.. and i cant help but have a pang of wanting to join them.
(, Wed 22 Jun 2016, 0:29, , Reply)