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This is a normal post Have you tried medical cannabis
And you're having the NHS do it?
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 14:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post We don't have access to that here.
Despite it being a British firm that's been doing all the scientific research for nearly 20 years. How is it that you Americans are more progressive on drugs policy all of a sudden?
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 15:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post yup dear old NHS are doing it
not worked now for over a year and money is to tight to mention so no private healthcare or insurance for me.
I havnt tried the medical cannabis but have heard good things about it.
I have regular meetings with my pharmacist so may ask more about that

Car will have to be sold soon as i am less able to drive it as each week goes by and once i have the operation i will not be able to drive for 12 to 18 months untill the new limb has settled in and i have to take a driving assesment to see if i can drive in a safe manor
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 15:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post It has helped me significantly with chronic back pain.
Also, the narcotics, while helpful in the short term can fool the body into ceasing to create it's own natural pain killer. Then, it takes more and more narcotics to do the trick until they simply cannot, leading to hyper-algesia, or super pain, as I like to call it.

I had taken so many narcotics that I ended up in screaming pain and nothing would relieve it. I was transported to hospital where they tried ever increasing doses of morphine, fentanyl, etc. Then they filled me with ketamine and that broke it. I had to get off the narcs ASAP and it was absolutely miserable, but I'm so glad I did it. Now, even though my physiology has not changed, exercise and medical cannabis have had me narc free and pain much reduced for almost 2 years.

Good luck, I understand how pain can take over your thoughts and life.
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 15:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post Federal criminal! Deport him now!
We'll have none of your kind in the land of Law and Order.
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 15:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Will you be doing the honor of the cavity search?

(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 15:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is it covered by the ACA?
Or other evil communist conspiracies?
(, Tue 4 Apr 2017, 18:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post They are doing medical cannabis on the NHS?
I never knew that. I know there's an liquid extract by GW Pharmaceuticals that's been licensed but I thought that hadn't been passed by "NICE".
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 15:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post
until the new limb has settled in successfully integrated itself with my consciousness.
(, Tue 4 Apr 2017, 1:26, , Reply)