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This is a normal post This is dumb for even your Talk/efforts
Show some respect to those who still have some time and love this place. If you don't like it then stop whining and feck off and leave us alone from your childish pranks.
(, Wed 5 Apr 2017, 14:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post You and me
In a square room, no doors, no windows
(, Wed 5 Apr 2017, 19:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Ah, right, yes - because you didn't post a thread declaring that you'd sounded the ignore horn, then follow it up the next morning with another thread declaring how completely and massively unbothered you were. That must have been some other squeaky-voiced fat ugly mental.

EDIT: ah, you've deleted your original thread, to which this one was an answer - you remember the one? Where you were crowing about having put me on 2.0, having spectacularly failed to rewrite a completely different thread to make yourself seem marginally less gormless? Normally, I don't much like thread deletion - but I'll make an exception for yours. They're so monumentally shit that being deleted really is the kindest thing.
(, Wed 5 Apr 2017, 19:45, , Reply)