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So you are then. You terrible, terrible person.
(, Tue 7 Nov 2017, 14:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post Are you saying that British people
have the right to travel the world poking their noses unasked into other peoples business with an inalienable right to do so?
(, Tue 7 Nov 2017, 14:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post Are you saying that British people
Should turn a blind eye to brutal torturous regimes that oppress human rights? Maybe you are saying that teaching is bad? You might be saying its open season on anyone working abroad...buyer beware hey.
(, Tue 7 Nov 2017, 15:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm saying it's fucking Iran.
We haven't been repeatedly told how the Iranian government are evil fuckers who don't share our values for no reason. It's precisely because of this sort of shit.

It isn't open season on anyone working abroad. But it IS open season on anyone at any time in specific totalitarian countries, especially people working with others deemed to be terrorists by those countries. Iran is one of them.

Thinking that the foreign office is a safety net to protect you from dissident acts within such a country is utterly ludicrous.
(, Tue 7 Nov 2017, 19:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post If he is, then he's fucking RIGHT. Not our problem. Britain isn't the World's fucking police force, and every single fucking time we've acted like we were it's been cunts like you have been the loudest fucking protestors against it.
'Torturous regimes that oppress human rights'? We've fucking funded and trained enough of them. 'Teaching is bad'? Well we helped set up the 'schools' that taught and trained the Mujahadeen because those poor oppressed Afghans had been invaded by the big bad Soviets. Look how fucking well that turned out for everyone. And frankly, yeah, if you go to any foreign country that doesn't subscribe to 'Western democracy' with the intent of subverting their government or not following their fuckwitted heathen laws then it pretty much IS Caveat Emptor. Smuggling drugs in a country where that gets you the death penalty? You fucking deserve to be beheaded. Taking your family sailing around the Somali coast? Sorry, too bad that those pirates are using you all as fuckpuppets and then food, but you WERE warned.
Fuck you and the bleeding heart you rode in on you fucking hippy scum.
(, Wed 8 Nov 2017, 5:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post
It is a shame I have to explain this...I don't think eVil thinks these things. There is a habit here of taking a comment made "She was a British citizen teaching students staying in the UK" (for example) then turning this into "ah you think X, Y or Z then don't you? You cunt!" People think it clever but it is just straw manning someones argument...and usually results in tedious TLDR dribble like your reply...which seems to be equating types like Osama Bin Laden with a woman teaching journalism.
(, Wed 8 Nov 2017, 8:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Did Bin Laden start out as a deranged religious-nutterist intent on destroying civilisation?
No, no he did not. When he left his comfortable life to go and become a religious nutterist he was hailed as a hero for standing up to Soviet oppressors. Thatcher even invited one of his henchmen to speak at a Tory party conference. Several Western democracies helped Bin Laden become what he eventually went on to be. We funded him. Reagan armed him. The SAS helped train him, the CIA set up the 'madrasses' in Pakistan where he and like-minded nutters could go and learn about how evil democracy is and how to destroy it, all paid for by taxpayers in Western democracies.
And what she's teaching doesn't count as journalism in the theocracy of Iran. There it counts as sedition. Which she should have known, and undoubtedly did know, before she went there.
(, Wed 8 Nov 2017, 13:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post well, sure, its not your problem
and I guess that's close enough for you.
also, saying fuck a lot doesn't help your argument, it just makes you sound unhinged.
(, Wed 8 Nov 2017, 8:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post Tell you what, you keep on wringing you hands and wetting your bed.
I'll keep on not giving a fuck about some crybaby libtard subversive.
(, Wed 8 Nov 2017, 13:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post fuck off
my bed wetting is completely besides the point.
(, Wed 8 Nov 2017, 18:12, , Reply)