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This is a normal post ^this, with bells on.
He lives on another planet. All that matters to him here is his potty mouthed virtue signalling gets a standing ovation. Also, the guy has zero range, he's not even a great actor. A good one, sure. I love his little Godfather cameo. I've seen Goodfellas more than a dozen times. Taxi Driver is seminal. The Deerhunter is defining piece of American cinema. Even the Cape Fear remake is underrated. He's terrific in all of them and more. But. He. Has. No. Range. He plays pretty much the same character in all those films, if slightly more unhinged in Taxi Driver. And the shit he just phones in these days is dire. So you know what? Fuck De Niro.
(, Mon 11 Jun 2018, 16:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post
I grow old ... I grow old ...
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

Shall I back-comb my hair some more? Do I dare to launch a nuke?
I shall tweet and tweet until my rage simply makes me puke.
I have heard the liars lying, each to each.

I do not think the lies will stick to me.

I have seen myself riding glory-ward on the waves
My glorious mane of hair blown back
When the blast zone turns the world ash black.
I have lingered in the chambers of TV
By stormys wreathed with contracts and with lies
Till human voices wake me, human cries
(, Mon 11 Jun 2018, 17:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Bit pretentious m8

(, Mon 11 Jun 2018, 17:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post :-)
be honest, you love it
(, Mon 11 Jun 2018, 18:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post HSM
Vladimir, out of key with his time,
He strove to regurgitate the dead art
Of /links; to maintain “the sublime”
In the three pubes per bollock sense. Wrong from the start—
(, Mon 11 Jun 2018, 19:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post Rodge did it first
The bravery of being out of range
(, Tue 12 Jun 2018, 13:01, , Reply)