This guy gives seminars on how to obtain Freeman-of-the-Land status, create 'remedy' without 'conflict' and disassociate yourself from the 'corporate' fiction created through your birth certificate and NI number (what they use to get you to contract through)
in effect he practices what he preaches and teaches others how to do it too i.e. drive without licence (so long as you don't engage in commerce), pay no taxes and become exempt from fines, statues, bylaws etc
I'm currently researching how we can do this here in the UK
full seminar for your ipod here:
you can right click and 'save as' for your MP3 player
PART 1; Magnificent Deception Part 1 Robert-Arthur Menard mp3
PART 2; Magnificent Deception Part 2 Robert-Arthur Menard mp3
his background to this was after his kid was taken off him he researched Law for 6 years and he's now exposing what he's found
EDIT: for a taster fast forward to 28 minutes and see what happens when he's stopped for drinking in public
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 14:51, Reply)

he shows how a remittance is a specie of money as defined by Blacks legal dictionary
once received all you need do is sign it (adding to the other signature) to 'accept for value' (accepted as value)and returning as payed
when people are paying remittances with cheques they are 'twinning the stream of revenue ' which is illegal if accepted by who ever issues the fine, according to Menard
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 14:56, Reply)

Unfortunately, my brain just went "fucking hell, WORDS!", and now I can't watch it because I have no idea what it's even about.
*berates self*
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:00, Reply)

just download the MP3s and play until it sticks
the proof of this is in that fact people are using it and winning in court with it
and don't be dismayed that you can't understand at first, this guy took 6 years to know this stuff and I'm sure the legal proffession deliberately makes this stuff inaccessible to Joe Public
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:01, Reply)

eep! *fears* ;P
aiight squire, I'll investigate from the non-work-environment of my flat later. :)
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:02, Reply)

when you've understood this you won't need to fear the court
as you'll learn how you can dissassociate yourself from the legal fiction they use to contract you through
you are not a person
you are a human being who has a person
it exists in association with you
a person is a legal entity they use to make you act and obey their statutes which are not enforcable if you declare your freeman-of-the-land-status under common law
statutes are not laws and they apply to your person not to you
(A ‘statute’ is defined as ‘a legislated rule of society given the force of law.’)
YOU give it the force of law over you
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:05, Reply)

I have done a philosophy degree, and I can safely say I'd feel faintly ridiculous trying to dodge a fine (or similar) by standing up and arguing in a court of law that I was not a person.
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:24, Reply)

they can only apply the statutes to your through your person you simply apply the distinction and operate under common law
"Person". 1. a human being. 2. An entity (such as a corporation) that is recognized by law as having the rights and duties of a human being." [Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th Edition]
they are using the second definition when we think there is only one
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:26, Reply)

(again, devils advocate, I will be watching this with interest as soon as it ramps)
Re the above: So, would he then be accepting under the same loophole that he doesn't have any such human rights, in cases of internment, torture or asylum?
Just that this issue is floating around US courts at the moment, with people who they are trying to register as non-persons in order to get over human rights violations.
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 18:00, Reply)

you can kill whoever you like but you won't get away with it under any law
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 16:09, Reply)

fraid not as freemen-of-the-land still obey the common laws of: 1.no harm to others
2.no harm to others property and 3.no fraud in contracts
unless you employ the 'Steven Segal clause' which pretty much allows you to do what ever you like, of course
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 16:13, Reply)

does this mean when he inevitably crashes his car for driving without getting a licence, is he refused medical care for being a sponging illegal c*nt?
here's hoping! :)
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:28, Reply)

he operates under common law
which means
1.no harm to others
2.no harm to others property and 3.no fraud in contracts
(I believe they use car insurance through a bond scheme)
he actually points out he and the people in his freeman society have greater responsibility than most others as they no longer operate with 'child of the province' status and have reached maturity over it
I understand the point you're making, but trust me watch it and you'll understand better
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:33, Reply)

but frankly i wanted to punch him in the face *far* too much.
i just know that for example, if he damaged my car, *i'd* have to pay for the damage, as my insurance company would use any excuse they can to avoid paying out.
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:46, Reply)

and he has a keen way of addressing his point, and is quite engaging with it
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 15:39, Reply)

he makes it very watchable especially when alot of it involves complicated legal concepts
also check out 'bursting the bubbles of government deception'
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 16:31, Reply)

'peruse' sounds the same as 'watch' but involving alot more tea, cake and doilies into the equation
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 16:38, Reply)

/off the caffiene, so no 'normal' tea or coffee.
/Incidentally, have you done any more of your artwork of late? I was always impressed by that, the B&W pieces especially
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 16:39, Reply)

I'm trying to, I'm juggling too much at the mo with little time for personal stuff
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 16:48, Reply)

you have - as 'they' say - all of teh skillorz
( , Tue 22 Jan 2008, 16:50, Reply)