Not as posh as you might have hoped I fear
Seems to be a bit hit or miss with how they look on people but I reckon they look a bit crap half the time. People love them though, I didn't want to slag off people that wear airpods, I just wanted to help make people aware of the shitty way in which Apple deliberately make them impossible to repair or recycle by third parties
rowlification 今は今, Mon 19 Aug 2019, 20:39,
I've always thought of him as Ginger rather than Posh.
Prufrock Lucifer, son of the morning!, Mon 19 Aug 2019, 20:47,
How do you mean?
More drunken sex than world domination?
rowlification 今は今, Mon 19 Aug 2019, 20:50,
Less pout, more gobshite.
Prufrock Lucifer, son of the morning!, Mon 19 Aug 2019, 20:54,
Och noo the aye
gaijintendo Regular Member, Mon 19 Aug 2019, 21:16,