I have a compost heap, and recycle paper, bottles, cartons and cans. (Manchester City Council is reasonable about recycling.)
I have my wheelie bin emptied about once every two months, and it's only about half-full even then.
My neighbours manage to have theirs overflowing every week. I genuinely don't know how they manage it.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 13:03, Reply)

I live in quite a poor area - and yet the MASSIVE Tesco down the road is stacked to the rafters with plastic food.
Result? The people around me end up spending unnecessarily large amounts of money that they don't have on food that leaves them obese yet malnourished. Yes, I do count obesity as malnutrition.
(On a similar topic: I noticed the other day that Tesco sells special hubcap-cleaning fluid, and - and I could barely believe this - special dashboard polish. Really, you have to admire their genius for squeezing money out of chavs.)
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 13:10, Reply)

hubcap cleaner is specially formulated to dissolve brake lining dust and dashboard cleaner is the only liquid on earth that smells like lemons
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 13:16, Reply)

*fails to find flaw in this account*
*profits from chavs*
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 13:20, Reply)