we had a labour government. they spent more money than we had and someone has to sort it out. i didn't vote for it but i can see that it needs to be done.
labour let the banks run wild. take insane risks. bailed them out (they had no choice) and then failed to rein in their bonuses.
was yesterday about bankers or education?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 19:29, Reply)

Purely the bankers.
While we give billions to banks, we undercut future education, hence the rioting.
Just write off the owner/occupier mortgages and let banks rot.
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 23:19, Reply)

A contributory factor was Thatcher's efforts to do away with council housing. Many people were forced into taking out mortgages they could not afford to pay back and of course the banks were happy to provide.
The economy is now based on everyone becoming a property speculator and social control is exercised by keeping everyone in debt.
( , Sat 13 Nov 2010, 12:56, Reply)

I was bought up to believe we lived in a capitalist free-market economy.
In my book, that means if you have a business and you run it badly, if you make bad decisions and poor investments, then your business will fail and deservedly so.
Why shouldn't that apply to the banks? What makes them so special? They fucked up so they should pay for it. Everyone else depends on the banks you say? So... fucking... what...
Should have let the banks rot, and everyone else foolish enough to do business with them.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 17:53, Reply)

Would you have an internet connection to reply in such a fashion if you had no bank to pay for it ???
Sorry for repeated '???' but some people on this place have no fucking idea about how the World works .... there is no Utopian idil ffs which alows you to 'punish' power without repercusions ... sorry, but WE allowed things to get this way.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 19:16, Reply)

I did not say that that all banks are evil, nor that they should all be done away with...
...Only the ones who do not DESERVE to exist.
I agree that banks are important and necessary. The world would be very strange place without them, and many things we take for granted would not exist without them.
Any other business that runs its affairs so badly will die. That's the way a free-market works works - or so I was lead to believe. There should be no exceptions, and that includes the banks.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 19:39, Reply)