You must mean 30 years old
shirley ? I'm sure I was 11 (not 21) when I last played it.
buffet_the_appetite_slayer ٩(●̮̃•)۶ jacked in to the ICE on, Mon 14 Feb 2011, 15:57,
I was about 15 when it came out and I'm 35 now.
Wikipedia agrees (about lemmings, not about me). here
tacpprm has a mmrpcat, Mon 14 Feb 2011, 15:59,
How old does wikipedia think you are?
TheAlmightyBeev, Mon 14 Feb 2011, 16:07,
About a million.
tacpprm has a mmrpcat, Mon 14 Feb 2011, 16:11,