demands that her attacker is blinded with acid. Iranian courts agree.
Horrific story. And a real ethical dilemma for me. Part of me says: "Fuck yeah. Blind the bastard. Look what he did to her"
But most of me thinks that, no matter how evil his crime, society cannot stoop to his level or society becomes as bad as he is....
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 1:26, Reply)

But, I say let her have her retribution!
In a part of the world where men feel that they can act in such a way against a woman for the mere 'crime' of being rebuked, then they need to know that their actions wont go unpunished!
I really wish I wasn't an athiest, I wish that I could believe in a heaven and a hell... but I realy dont, so therefore let him be punished in this world for the horrible crime that he has committed!
Before anyone starts throwing excrement at me please consider how you would feel if you had been the person who had acid thrown in their face, or if your daughter/sister/friend ... etc had been the victim...
I hope that girl can find some sort of peace in her life whatever the outcome!
Sometimes this world just makes me do a sad face!
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 1:45, Reply)

*returns to fluffy bubble*
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 1:49, Reply)

but i think if as a society we resort to meeting violence with violence then we just set ourselves up for it to continue.
If we grow up in a society were violence is not organised, not condoned as punishment then, eventually, we live in a soceity where we don't want to be violent to others.
That's not a whimsical view, its based on the fact that people do what other people are doing. And is why certain cultures have a much stronger incident of a certain crime than other comparable cultures. The example i use here is north america and gun crime. As an economic and political society it is on a par with Canada, yet Canada has more Guns per capita but significantly less gun crime.
I'm sure there are statistics that would prove my argument simplistic, but that is my stance. Take the higher ground, and eventually your culture will take the higher ground with you.
having said that, I guess if that person who was blinded and disfigured was my sister, i would weigh up if prison term for blinding him is worth it, and then decide... I'd like to think i'd chose not to, but i don't know.
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 2:05, Reply)

I used to think along those lines too, unfortunately society doesn't always conform to what (most ordinary peeps) would deem appropriate.
We always have to go down the 'politically correct' route, or whatever ridiculous punishment those out of touch judges in our law courts deem acceptable these days - which inevitably is just laughable!
What incentive to people like that have, (i.e. to not throw acid in an innocent girls face)?
My feelings are, if a few of them get a really nasty sentence then that may (just possibly) make the next few potential perps think twice about committing a similar crime.
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 2:22, Reply)

(here are a few more 'reasons' for you to throw your metaphorical acid at my post) : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 2:25, Reply)

but I don't totally agree. The lesson learned is that the culture is messed up. Women are 'guilty' for refusing men's demands. That is what has to be addressed. I hope the guy rots in a prison cell for the rest of his life (like you, as an atheist i can't hope for a higher power to make good). If they could take his eyes and give them to her, I'd approve. But blinding him does little. Like the death penalty, people who commit these sick crimes don't consider the consequences as they think they are right/immune/in such a rage they don't think at all. So nasty retribution might give some satisfaction, but won't stop it happening again.
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 2:08, Reply)

again, I once used to think along the same lines, but how long do we have to wait? how many years do we have to say "we'll take the high road" and wait for philisteins (sp?) to fall into line with us?
We acn be as moral as we like but some people will just never learn without a clear red light - an eye for an eye (if you'll excuse the religious conotations)
Some people need to know catagorically that if they do AB or C then AB or C will be returned to them!!!
I just know that at a decent hour and without the help (or hinderance) of 14 vodkas that I would be able to defend my corner more eloquently, however as it is you are all stuck with an enebriated angry me! (apologies) xx
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 2:32, Reply)

actually as an addendum and after considering your post, maybe the courts 'should harvest his eyes and donate his corneas to a blind recipient? Would that not serve both as a punishment and a deterrent?
Maybe the girl in question would then have her need for revenge and justice quelled if she knew that the perp was being punished but also someone else was being served?
Who knows what the answer is, I for one hope that the twunt who threw the acid rots away in a hell of his own making!
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 3:06, Reply)

Part of me agrees with her stance, part is horrified by the whole 'get what you give'law. However, if Sharia law exists, then those that defy it know what is likely to happen.
I guess there isn't much difference to American murderers getting lethal injections.
I have no point.This is one of those cases where it is easy to get reactionary and anger-filled.Thank god i never studied law.I am still battling with myself.
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 2:36, Reply)

I'd dispatch him and dump the body in the wild for things to eat, then have a nice cup of tea.
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 8:17, Reply)

almost always a spurned man against a woman, the idea being to disfigure her so no one else would want her.
I would propose as it's done as a form of re-masculisation on the man's part then something de-masculising acted upon him would be an appropriate deterrent.
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 9:20, Reply)

in some parts of the world, acid in the face is almost a cultural thing. Acid attacks in Britain are incredibly rare yet, in some cultures, they're of almost epidemic proportions. Ignorant bastards.
And it is ignorance. We too used to be guilty of disfiguring women. A slit nose for persistent prostitution (although in the body modification set, that would be looked on as an actual reward these days). But we grew up and grew out of such barbarity. Eventually, so will these benighted bastards.
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 9:52, Reply)

Whilst what I'm about to say all falls under the murky capital/corporal-punishment shadow of "what if he isn't guilty" etc, I think it would be better to have an alternative sentence of a box with a ? on it. The condemned would be taken from the room and given his punishment and no-one knows what it might be. It could be acid in the eyes, eaten by rats or sat in front of Michael McIntyre for 30 years non-stop. Surely the unknown is a way worse fate to would-be perpetrators. OK, maybe the Michael McIntyre things was taking it a little far...
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 9:42, Reply)