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This is a normal post aren't there countries out there which also have lots of guns
but dont generally use them for mass murder? There's no doubt people do this kind of shit because its easy, but I'd be interested to know why they want to do it at all.
(, Sat 15 Dec 2012, 18:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post switzerland possibly?
but they're mostly government issued and come with a lot of training attached
(, Sat 15 Dec 2012, 18:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think they'er just not particularly shooty, which is perfect.
Canada's also pretty gun-crazy, but with a bit less of the actual "crazy".
(, Sat 15 Dec 2012, 18:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post remember all that fuss when janet jackson got her tit out on national tv
they get more upset about a tit than they do about blood and guts being on tv
(, Sat 15 Dec 2012, 18:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post The Swiss
Once you turn 20 you're conscripted and are given a gun to keep at home.
Most of the population is conscripted into a peoples militia when they become adults.

Up until recently you were also give a sealed box of bullets in case the country was invaded whilst you were away from base.

After 10 years (or 14 for officers) you are deemed to have done your duty but are given the chance to keep the gun downgraded from automatic to semi.

They have a bit of gun crime but not at this level.
Could be the discipline and training from conscription stops people going on sprees or weeds out those that are nutters.

A gun is not an inherently evil machine just as a knife or a car.
The problem is the power that can give someone who has the notion to do evil.

I think there's other countries with U.S level of gun ownership too like Canada but I don't know enough about them.

Maybe it's because i'm getting older but I like the swiss model.
They don't pick fights with anyone and people leave them alone because they're all armed to the teeth.
They also have placed explosives on strategic bridges, roads and tunnels in case of invasion.
(, Sat 15 Dec 2012, 18:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post yes but they also tend to have better mental health care provision than the US.

(, Sat 15 Dec 2012, 19:58, , Reply)