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This is a link post As the Right pushes privatization as a solution to the economic collapse, one organization is teaching communities how to defeat corporations. ...
Interesting article about the privitisation of water in the usa. Although us-centric, the first part (about the disaster capitalism) is exactly how i feel: all the credit crunch and debt problems are our shock, so we let the corporations take over and run everthing.

"California's treasurer just announced that the state may need to begin issuing IOUs if the governor and legislature can't close the budget gap. And California's not the only place that's hurting. The Great Recession, hit not only businesses and individuals, but governments as well. The National Conference of State Legislatures estimated that 31 states are facing a combined shortfall for fiscal year 2011 of nearly $60 billion.

So, what's being done? "Cities and states across the nation are selling and leasing everything from airports to zoos -- a fire sale that could help plug budget holes now but worsen their financial woes over the long run," the Wall Street Journal reports. "California is looking to shed state office buildings. Milwaukee has proposed selling its water supply; in Chicago and New Haven, Conn., its parking meters. In Louisiana and Georgia, airports are up for grabs.""
(, Mon 14 Feb 2011, 11:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post aye
we're fucked likes. eventually we can take it all back again though. it'll take bloody ages.
(, Mon 14 Feb 2011, 12:04, , Reply)