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This is a link post Excellent piece on the appallingly irritating James Corden
If I was his dad I would try to keep it quiet
(, Fri 30 Mar 2018, 18:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post I can't believe the government managed to sneak this legislation through.
While the media (including the BBC I'm sad to say) are keeping us plebs entertained with this Antisemitism stuff, Theresa May and Amber Rudd are using the diversion, which conspiracy theorists may say the Tories actually had a hand in, to pass laws like the one making James Cordon a protected group.

From the 1st of May, we will no longer be allowed to call James Cordon a fat, untalented, unfunny, insincere shit and people either don't know or don't care. Kind of ironic that it was only a loophole in the law and his humongous girth that allowed them to class one man as a 'group' in the first place.

Get your James Cordon insults in now, you have limited time before it is a hate crime.
(, Fri 30 Mar 2018, 19:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post Link?

(, Fri 30 Mar 2018, 20:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post Huh?

(, Fri 30 Mar 2018, 22:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's not enough that the fat cunt is earning millions and is ubiquitous on TV, including adverts, and increasingly often in films too.
No. We all have to love the soppy, needy, obese slimebag because his daddy says so. What the fuck happened to turning the other cheek and taking the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune on the chin like a man? Fucking prince William and Harry will be along in a minute to give us an update on their mental health status. Pair of cunts, they will never even know the mundane misery of a bill landing on the doormat you can't afford.
(, Fri 30 Mar 2018, 19:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post Cordon
is a fat, untalented, unfunny, insincere shit
(, Fri 30 Mar 2018, 19:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post So the appallingly irritating sack has appallingly thin-skinned parents?
Top marks to Mark there for the way he responded.
(, Fri 30 Mar 2018, 19:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post I bet James wrote that letter

(, Fri 30 Mar 2018, 20:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post If they were really regular listeners
they'd have known that The Greatest Showman is one of the few films he'd changed his view on and said he thoroughly enjoyed it second time around. That doesn't fit with the "all critics are stupid" narrative though does it?

Corden's probably crying into his millions, but if his parents don't want to listen to him being negatively reviewed then maybe they should advise him to up his game and take on better roles.
(, Fri 30 Mar 2018, 22:27, , Reply)