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This is a link post Giggled hard at this channel.

(, Sat 20 Jul 2024, 23:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sorry, but I'm unable to extract any joy whatsoever from AI generated 'content'.

(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 7:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post I know, like the way people use photoshop instead of oil paints on canvas.
I was laughing at the packaging of a ludicrous concept as 50s/60s records. The fact 'AI' was used to achieve it doesn't matter to me, it's not meant to be Art.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 19:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post Photoshop vs Oil on Canvas isn't really a valid comparison.
Most oil painters likely couldn't reproduce their work to a similar standard on Photoshop, and most Photoshop experts likely couldn't paint an Oil on canvas to the same standard as their usual digital output. The media is vastly different, even if the artistic vision is not.

A better comparison would be 'like the way people give Dall-E a number of prompts in order to create a procedurally generated image before taking all credit for the work as their own because they came up with the specific prompts instead of painting it themselves'.

I quite liked the concept, too. But as soon as it became blatantly obvious that the music and vocals have been scraped from any number of legitimate musical artists who will never get credit nor see a peanut from their IP being used this way, whilst these 'content creators' profit from their frankly minimal input, I just couldn't appreciate it.

We're quickly reaching a point with this crowdsourced neural network bollocks (and it's developing at such an exponential rate) that in a few months/years, it's going to be practically impossible to differentiate between genuine music/art/literature and procedurally generated bollocks, and the market will be so saturated with it that the majority probably won't even care or notice. The artists being affected by it most likely will, though. Christ, there are already some twunts on here unironically posting AI bollocks and calling it their own work.

I'm all for using NN/AI to make jobs easier. Photoshop has some great tools that leverage NN/NPU workloads, but there's a big creative difference between 'make me this' and 'help make this easier/quicker for me'.

AI generated content is shit for cunts.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 20:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post In this case they are not passing off the result as real music/artwork.
That is a big problem, I agree.
However, this is an absurd gag using little bits of (somewhat out of copyright?) music and artwork, not unlike 'shopping funny pictures from other people's photographs for social media. I doubt many people will be buying the content (other than for 'clicks') as music.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 22:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post Point taken.
I suppose I'm just not keen on it being used this way because it only helps to make it better at mimicking the real thing, which can only be bad.
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 5:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's a perfect comparison
Photoshop, an AI audio tool, or paying for session musicians and a session singer to sit in a studio for days. They are all tools to realise the idea you have in your head and reduce or eliminate the direct work you need to do.

It just happens that this idea was a silly 1950's song about your arms being stuck behind you inspired by an image on a record from the time. A person had an idea and used whatever tool they could to make their idea happen.

The core concept to examine is : would it have been more valid if they said to a bunch of musicians and a singer "Make me this" without personally having anything to do with actually making the music? Either way, all they did was describe what they want and say "make me this". Why do you prefer one over the other just because some wage slaves made it?

And if the tools do become indistinguishable from human created content (or surpass it), why should that bother you anyway? Do you still walk everywhere? Or do you use the latest tool, being a car/plane/bus? Why does this one tool bother you so, when you use a million other tools that have removed the need for a human to do a thing?
(, Mon 22 Jul 2024, 9:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post I was glad to see the Sticky Sweethearts wrote a follow up song to "I glued my balls to my butthole again"
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 8:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post I mean it could happen to anyone.
(, Sun 21 Jul 2024, 19:33, , Reply)