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This is a link post Let's monologue for 5 mins because why not. I made this!

(, Sun 10 Jun 2018, 16:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post I've been playing it again recently ahead of the update, still a perfectly enjoyable chill out time waster
hilariously broken and nonsense in places, but that's always been part of the charm for me.
Mind you I didn't buy it until it was a year old and then it was only £7 on PS4 so I skipped the overpriced outrage

Edit - I think it also helped that I had a mate playing it at the same time, so we'd be chatting while bumbling about the universe and laughing as various things crashed or yet another fat butterfly winged creature lumbered in to view
(, Sun 10 Jun 2018, 16:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post I had it from the start
And actually I enjoyed it. The progressive updates added yet more for me. I've been away from it it recently (working my way through various others like horizon zero dawn) but fully intending on jumping back in. In fairness multiplayer never really interested me on this style of game, I like the solo journey.
(, Sun 10 Jun 2018, 17:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post I wonder if the new update does the same as the last one
rewriting every single planet so all the perfect paradises that people set up their bases on are once again turned to lifeless radioactive freezers :D
(, Sun 10 Jun 2018, 17:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ha, yeah good point.
Still it's a good game, slightly Zen I guess
(, Sun 10 Jun 2018, 17:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post Not played it since I bought it on release day.
Has it changed much?
(, Mon 11 Jun 2018, 9:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post A fair bit. Worth jumping in again seems as the updates are all free

(, Mon 11 Jun 2018, 15:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post Bloody hell, just had a look on steam and its still 40 quid.

(, Sun 10 Jun 2018, 18:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't feel it's anywhere as near broken since the last couple of updates.
Sure, the content is on the thin side, but what's there works.
(, Sun 10 Jun 2018, 19:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post Can you get it on Master System?

(, Sun 10 Jun 2018, 22:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post I got a warning email about my "conduct" in the game
I had it from launch day, since along with The Last Guardian it was one of the reasons I'd got a PS4 in the first place (and TLG absolutely exceeded expectations). I played it to galaxy-centre-reaching completion. Twice. I was annoyed with it, not least for the fact that there was apparently no way at all to interact with anyone in any way.

So how can your "conduct" in a game that was notorious for its complete lack of the promised interaction lead to a warning email?

I hit upon a way to interact with my fellow players, at least in one direction. The galaxy is big - blahdyblahdybillion stars, quincytillion planets etc... the chances of ever finding a system discovered and named by anyone else are next to zero. Except...

Except everyone is heading to the core. There's a layer of systems around the outside of the centre of the galaxy that everyone has to pass through to get to the only objective in this otherwise entirely motiveless game. Which means if you get there and start vanity-naming as many of those systems as possible, there's a reasonable chance other players will see them. On my second playthrough, I spent a couple of days just jumping from system to system around the sphere that surrounds the galactic centre. A few had already been discovered and named, confirming my theory. All the undiscovered ones got a name of my own devising. Most of them were just things like "MOST DISAPPOINTING GAME EVER" or "I WISH I'D BOUGHT AN XBOX" or "HELLO GAMES ARE LIARS". They weren't specific, but I'm guessing that the email referred to me naming a system "DIE SEAN MURRAY DIE". Antisocial behaviour, or valid comment? You decide. I don't care.

My advice to people disappoint with NMS is to get Elite:Dangerous. It's the game NMS wishes it was. It is (or can be) a long, tedious grind to get anywhere, but hey - space is big. Really big. You just won't believe... and so on. Dump the amateurish cartoon nonsense and tool around an actually somewhat accurate recreation of our own, real galaxy.
(, Mon 11 Jun 2018, 23:42, , Reply)