The Little Things
'Hullo chaps', bellows Richard McBeef, of 'the internet' fame. My boss has managed to make 'shown' into a two syllable word and it drives me round the fucking bend. Tell us about the little things that people around you do, which annoy you for more than they rationally should. Vent your spleen.
unknown, Fri 18 Mar 2016, 8:47)
Men who come in asking me to examine their 'prostrate'.
2 Can Chunder Word to your mums, I came to prod bums, Sat 19 Mar 2016, 22:25,
3 replies)
In fact, anyone who tries to use medical terminology during their consultation.
2 Can Chunder Word to your mums, I came to prod bums, Sat 19 Mar 2016, 22:25,
hi, I have an itchy Aids, could you take a look at it please?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Sat 19 Mar 2016, 22:30,