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Home » Question of the Week » Where Did It All Go Wrong? » Post 1888541 | Search
This is a question Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Woocfot asks: Tell us all about that turning point in your life when it started going downhill. Yeah, that drunken conversation with my dad when he suggested I become a civil servant. Dammit, I could have been an astronaut

(, Thu 28 Feb 2013, 11:32)
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Hard to say really. Just seems to be ongoing for me.
I thought I was my own boss.
I used to get a bit pissed off with hawkers and salesmen and do away wit them or see them off. [Inset "stay about from my bins" joke here].

I always fought with my brother - as you do. But I thought I was really clever by sleeping with his daughter - that'll show him who's the craftiest.
But then it turns out that she's as batshit crazy as he is - fucking mad bitch killed our children!

Then the guy who thinks he's the bossman decided he's gonna try and put me in line by getting one of his lackeys to lock me in the stores cupboard. I managed to talk the dumb cunt into locking himself in. Fuuuu!
Then of course all hell breaks loose cause the lackey isn't doing his job - you'd think the rest of the company would be happy about a bit of increased time off, but Noooo.

Eventually the boss (who really is a bit of an idiot) decided to try and bury me under a mountain of paperwork. So here I am day in and day out forever emptying my intray. Just to have it filled up again.
It's all downhill from there. Until you reach the bottom. Then it's back up again!
(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 2:14, 17 replies)
Star Wars!

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 9:19, closed)
Guess again.

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 9:33, closed)
Star wars?

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 9:47, closed)
Not close.
& no cigar.
(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:23, closed)

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:01, closed)

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:22, closed)
oh man I love the lord of the rings

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:04, closed)

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:22, closed)
Sisyphus, innit?
(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:30, closed)
Man you keep winning them!
Kick up the bum fer you when you head out the door.

May I say- it really was just a wiki entry away.
(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:59, closed)
The circus bear who lived in the swamp
and ran a ferry service with his dad?
(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 12:00, closed)
Sorry MM
might need to relinquish that sig.
(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 12:14, closed)
(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 12:18, closed)
Alien 2?

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:43, closed)

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:59, closed)
Spaceship Troopers?

(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 11:51, closed)
(, Thu 7 Mar 2013, 12:00, closed)

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