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This is a question Accidental animal cruelty

I once invented a brilliant game - I'd sit at the top of the stairs and throw cat biscuits to the bottom. My cat would eat them, then I'd shake the box, and he would run up the stairs for more biscuits. Then - of course - I'd throw a biscuit back down to the bottom. I kept this going for about half an hour, amused at my little game, and all was fine until the cat vomited. I felt absolutely dreadful.

Have you accidentally been cruel to an animal?
This question has been revived from way, way, way back on the b3ta messageboard when it was all fields round here.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2007, 11:13)
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Wasps = Evil
I once told a wasp it was fat. It flew off and cried. That showed it.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2007, 11:28, 7 replies)
Can you get wasps with distored body-images, low self-esteem and a tendency to binge and purge?
(, Fri 7 Dec 2007, 11:30, closed)
That explains it
A big fat wasp once stung me on the big toe. You must have upset it, happylittletulip, you bugger!
(, Fri 7 Dec 2007, 11:51, closed)
What goes around comes around...
(, Fri 7 Dec 2007, 11:59, closed)
but I would have preferred that it had come around to you and not stung my big toe!

(, Fri 7 Dec 2007, 12:18, closed)
ah but it has
Cos you just called me a bugger!

We're all square now - you, me, and fatty!
(, Fri 7 Dec 2007, 15:30, closed)
Fatty came off worst of all, as shortly after she (for 'twas a queen) had stung me, her life ended suddenly!
(, Fri 7 Dec 2007, 15:33, closed)
death to the wasps!

well done k2k6
(, Fri 7 Dec 2007, 15:44, closed)

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