Anything For Money
How low have you sunk to earn a few quid? Have you ever been paid a tenner by a stranger in the street to crap in a jar? Me neither. Tell us about the depraved or humiliating lengths you've gone to in order to raise cash.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 15:35)
Advertise PACT Coffee.
spanishfly is so fucking sexy people impersonate him, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 15:52,
2 replies)
PACT coffee
raped my dad and killed my mum.
yeswehavenopasties, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 22:41,
It's understandable...
...they are very attractive
spanishfly is so fucking sexy people impersonate him, Fri 11 Jul 2014, 8:09,