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This is a question Attention whore

Because it's all me, me, me... Apart from posting awful lies on Question of the Week, what ridiculous things have you or others done to grab the limelight?

Suggested by Munsta

(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 13:29)
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I've noticed a worrying trend recently.
That of men wearing ankle-swinger trousers. Oh, these trousers that done reach my shoes properly? What about them? Stupid cunts.

I *think* it's part of a yearly conspiracy by the heads of fashion houses around the world. Each year they all get beastly drunk at some mountaintop retreat and then reveal the ridiculous fashion that they will be introducing that year for mass production. They're all obliged to bet against each other's chances of success.

Previous 'champions' have been - floppy beanie hats with a wisp of hair poking out the front, MC Hammer trousers (mostly for women), trousers that let your arse hang out the back, really long pointy smart shoes and those dark red slip-on shoes with the little tassles on the front.

Large sums of money have changed hands throughout these bets, I'm...er...willing to bet.

Anyone who wears these things (possibly all at once) is an attention seeking cunt.
(, Mon 18 Nov 2013, 15:06, 4 replies)
I don't know about the style of clothes
but these guys do get together and decide on the colours:
(, Mon 18 Nov 2013, 15:51, closed)
Most original mis-spelling of "don't" 2013

(, Tue 19 Nov 2013, 9:54, closed)
Done be horrible.

(, Tue 19 Nov 2013, 14:11, closed)
Thanks for that :(

(, Tue 19 Nov 2013, 14:25, closed)

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