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This is a question Awesome teachers

Teachers have been getting a right kicking recently and it's not fair. So, let's hear it for the teachers who've inspired you, made you laugh, or helped you to make massive explosions in the chemistry lab. (Thanks to Godwin's Lawyer for the suggestion)

(, Thu 17 Mar 2011, 11:18)
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Not a teacher as such,
but just an event involving one.

At the beginning of every French lesson our female, elderly (to our eyes) teacher would always come in in and say "bonjour le classe", with the reply "bonjour madame" to the usual tedium.

Until Gary Hughes greeted her with "bonjour, le fat slag"

Slight mirth was had.

And she was.

Fat, not a slag AFAIK

He became a legend for that - bearing in mind this was a small school in the hidden part of Wales thirty years ago before the cane and corporal punishment was illegal.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 23:14, 4 replies)
same thing but in german.....
i greeted a teacher with "Heil Hislop(her name)", complete with heel click and right hand thrust forward.

got the Fuck completely bollocked out of me for that one

Germans, no sense of humour.....

(, Tue 22 Mar 2011, 11:37, closed)
In our German class
one year, we had a typical army officer's son, been everywhere done everything, you know the type. One day he informed the teacher, regarding a new European pupil, that "that new Dutch kid can speak fluent Kraut!"
It seems even English teachers that speak German have no sense of humour, either.
(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 9:46, closed)
Not exactly cutting edge, is it?
sounds like he was just a bit of a dick.
(, Tue 22 Mar 2011, 13:40, closed)
If that's all it took to be a legend,
I think I'd die of boredom.
(, Wed 23 Mar 2011, 13:22, closed)

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