You've all known one. The brown-nosing fucker, the 'comedian', the drunk, the gossip and of course the weird one with no mates who goes bell ringing, looks like Mr Majika and sports a monk's haircut (and is a woman).
Tell us about yours...
Thanks to Deskbound for the idea
( , Thu 24 Jan 2008, 9:09)
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The chef at the pub I used to work in was a mong of the highest order. He would constantly steal stock, over handle food with his nicotine stained hands and thought it was hilarious to snort lines of chilli powder.
Various nicknames he acquired included:
"Rat Face" (he had the face of a rat)
"Captain Blacktooth" (he had a black tooth)
and my personal favourite "Sir Cuntalot McFuckface"
He once showed me a video on his phone of a young lady in her underware writhing around on a sofa and told me he "did her good and proper" until I pointed out this couldn't have happend as he'd quite clearly recorded the lady from one of those late night "call in to chat to girls" channels as the picture was shite and the telephone number was clearly visible at the bottom of the screen.
He also used to fight publicly with his unhinged and usually drunk girlfriend who came in ranting, raving and heavily pregnant on one occasion and was promptly told to go home and push out another gollum.
My favourite rat face anecdote must be when told that his name was an anagram of "anal" he looked puzzled for a good 15 minutes before asking what an anagram was.
He was eventually sacked for stealing packets of crisps and hiding them in his locker.
( , Tue 29 Jan 2008, 16:47, 3 replies)

Have a click for "Sir Cuntalot McFuckface" which, if you don't mind, I shall steal and use on the next person who pisses me off.
( , Tue 29 Jan 2008, 17:26, closed)

And a click from me for the same reason! I spat out my tea laughing at that nickname!
( , Tue 29 Jan 2008, 18:56, closed)

"was promptly told to go home and push out another gollum"
I laughed. Lots. You sir, can have a click.
( , Tue 29 Jan 2008, 20:12, closed)
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