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Home » Question of the Week » Beautiful Moments » Post 25669 | Search
This is a question Beautiful Moments

The best night of my life was spent lying in the bottom of a boat, floating down a river low enough to be under the thin layer of mist gathering at about 3am such that it scudded between me and the stars.

Make us feel all warm and fluffy. Tell us about the most beautiful moments in your life so far.

(, Fri 11 Mar 2005, 9:15)
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Tenerife, 1997...
Working on a Whale and Dolphin conservation project. We were having a big press launch with the TV and newspapers from the island on one of the participating boats. We had been out of harbour for about an hour and the dolphins we had been looking for to impress the media with had been less than forthcoming.

The sun began to set and the captain of the boat decided to head back to harbour. Right at that moment, a large pod of dolphins appeared from out of nowhere. They started the swim and catch up with us. When you looked over the bow, you could see the little buggers looking back up at you! The magic reached epic proportions when a small dolphin calf breached the water beside us, easily jumping 4-5 feet in the air. They were really enjoying playing with us and we enjoyed watching them play.

One of the most tranquil and peace filled memories I have.
(, Mon 14 Mar 2005, 9:50, Reply)

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