Bedroom Disasters
Big Girl's Blouse asks: Drug fuelled orgies ending in a pile of vomit? Accidental spillage of Chocolate Pudding looking like a dirty protest? Someone walking in on you doing something that isn't what it looks like?... Tell us about your Bedroom Disasters
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 23 Jun 2011, 15:14)
so hands up all who fell for such a brutal and crude troll
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 11:36,
3 replies)
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 11:42,
Stop digging,
You're wasting your time, you aren't getting out of that hole.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 11:45,
thats what she said
Matty73, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 12:05,
ahh so it s a hole you'll be digging then is it?
er no
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 15:56,
I guess people are more gullible than we thought
They fell for my post last week too.
Mellicious is made of candy, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 15:50,
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 16:30,
its that suger babes song isnt it?
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 16:50,