I once was in a programming class where the task was "build a calculator". A student did one with buttons 1, 2, 3 all the way up to about 25 and then ran out of space on the screen. We've asked this before but liked it so much we're asking again: What's the best example of ignorance you've encountered?
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 12:30)
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Where to start? From a very well educated, intelligent and eloquent American friend I worked alongside in Japan, nearly 20 years ago now.
1. He showed me a photo of his family on their farm. His father can be seen sitting on a yellow and green vehicle and he says, "Oh he's pop sitting on his John Deere" then he has to clarify: "you know, a 'tractor' [falters...looks sheepish and apologetic]...I'm sorry. You do know about tractors don't you? I don't know if you have mechanised agriculture in Europe.' [Note: not just England or the UK. No! Not one country in the whole of Europe has thought to drag a plough behind a machine rather than a horse or a cow in the 100 years of internal combustion!)
2. Same chap. There is a big park in Tokyo called Yoyogi park. He told everyone that it was named after Yogi bear, the American cartoon creation. I wonder who could have put that idea in his head?
3. Different American in Tokyo, a high school teacher. It was in the middle of US presidential elections. A group of expats are talking about who is going to win. The teacher asks another girl who she's going to vote for. Other girl explains that she's Canadian so won't be voting and carries on the conversation. But wait, this gets the back up of the high school teacher who launches into the, if-you-don't-vote-you're-a-disgrace-to-democracy argument. The Canadian stops her short and explains that, sorry, she is Canadian so won't be voting. To which the reply from said teacher: "But he's your president too!"
4. Different US bloke (first one nice, this one a twunt). Finished in top 10% of his Harvard law school. Just arrived in Japan and is having beginners Japanses lessons. He lives in a place called, for the sake of argument, Chiba, pronounced, CHEEBA. He pronounces it KEEBA. Expats native level Japanese speaker picks him up on it and correct him (attendant Japanese would not do that as it's too rude). No. He insists it is called KEEBA. Another polite suggestion that he checks with his teacher. We all know where he lives so there is no doubt about it. Nope. This guy has been in the country for 3 weeks now and so knows what's what so he collars a nearby Japanese chap and ask whether he lives in KEEBA or CHEEBA. Japanese chap says clearly that the place he lives in is pronounced CHEEBA. American tells the 40 year old, native Japanese chap (who is himself a Harvard graduate and fluent in several languages), "You're wrong. It's pronounced KEEBA. You're wrong."
5. Heard a radio snippet from US astronaut from the 1960s. He was recently doing a talk to US high school students and was introduced by the high school teacher as a veteran of World War Eleven.
6. Oh and the journalist who said that Stephen Hawking would not be alive today if he lived in England and had to rely on the NHS for treatment : www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/12/stephen-hawking-enters-us_n_257343.html
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 14:46, 12 replies)

it was just after the marriage of Sarah Ferguson to Prince Andrew. I was asked - in all seriousness - if I was invited to the wedding.
I said I was, but couldn't attend as I had a family function on that day; however I did give them a wedding present.
"What ?"
"But that's not much a present"
"Ah, but in the UK we don't have it, you see. I had to get some imported."
"Wow, I bet they were grateful"
"Yes, they were. Sent me a thank you card..."
Jesus wept. This was in Chicago as well, not the Deep South.
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 14:49, closed)

Of a book that was written by and English guy, and published in the UK by a UK publisher.
The reviewer was complaining that the book was 'needlessly peppered with Brit speak".
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 14:57, closed)

This is one of the most common complaints we receive.
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 15:37, closed)

History and Geography never contradict Civics, which is catechism for American exceptionalism. Science does a similar dance around born-again Christianity.
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 15:56, closed)

My jaw actually dropped at that one.
And that is a teacher?
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 16:09, closed)

One mate who was working over there was asked "Do you have Fourth of July parties in England?"
"No, not really much reason for us to celebrate."
"Why's that?"
And another, in Texas, met a woman who was convinced that everyone in England hated Americans "Because we whupped your asses in the Civil War."
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 16:21, closed)

that they got their clocks cleaned in the War of 1812 (the New World part)
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 19:22, closed)

and every time you get off the train the announcement says CHEEBA. Did he think she was wrong too?
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 22:17, closed)

That presidential argument? I had nearly exactly the same thing. I was explaining that I couldn't give *a fuck* about American politics when they got all huffy and explained how important it was. So infront of a room of them I had to explain I'm not american and I can't vote. BUT IT'S OBAMA was the HONEST TO GOD RESPONSE.
And the rest of the merkins there were just smug twats who'd bothered to learn the language or fat weirdos looking for pussy. Or the weird cos players. Or the history deniers who wouldn't believe what the bastards the Japanese had been to the Koreans and Chinese in the past.
Twats the lot of them.
( , Fri 31 Aug 2012, 10:13, closed)
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